Title: The Wrong End of a Sharp Blade
Author: shealynn88
Rating: PG (some violence)
Word Count: ~300
Spoilers: if you're SUPER picky, sorta spoils for 'Storm Front'
A/N: for the prompt: Harry/Morgan; tension at the
You Must've Been Kissin' a Fool Challenge.
prompt: Harry/Morgan; tension
There's always been something between them. Once, it was a grudging respect. Now it vacillates between thinly veiled hatred and a twisted sort of camaraderie.
Either way, it makes the back of his neck itch every time Morgan sets foot in his office. There's no way to know what mood Morgan's in until it's too late-Harry can't predict it, and lately, he's had more important things to do than to try.
Now he sort of wishes he'd made the time-as he does every time Morgan has a blade to his throat. This time it's a dagger, but it's no less deadly than the broadsword Morgan usually carries.
"I know you did it," Morgan hisses against his ear. "And I'm going to take your head as soon as I have proof."
Oh. It's one of those days. Harry tries for cavalier. "Why not now? After all, your hunches are usually so trustworthy. Why break that perfect head-platter record?"
The dagger bites lightly, and Harry feels sweat bead on his forehead. Sometimes he wishes he could just keep his mouth shut. But this is how he deals. It's that, or go crazy.
His uncle had tried that, and it hadn't gone so well.
Morgan's lips brush high against his cheekbone like a promise, and then the dagger and the itch are gone. Which means Morgan's popped off to tell his suspicions to Ancient Mai, and time is rapidly running out for Harry.
He wipes the bead of blood from his throat and licks his finger absently.
Yeah, it would be really nice to know why Morgan's running cold on him this time, but, yet again, he has more pressing things to worry about.