Title: Golden Boy Fandom: That 70's Show Author: Shealynn88 Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 200 Pairing: Eric/Hyde Warnings: Mild drug use. Author's Note: Written for slashthedrabble's challenge: Heroes
Hehe...nothing like being a couple years too late with a fandom. :) But really I want nothing more than to find a bunch of fics that I could sit down and read and enjoy that was what I wanted to read. Apparently I am the only person on the planet who likes Hyde/Donna. :) Huge surprise, there, huh? Me liking the uc parings? :)
Actually, Hyde/Donna was canon in the first season! And Jackie/Hyde was as UC as you could get for a loooong time (but they were still very popular, even more popular than Jackie/Kelso).
Jackie has an 'ick' factor for me. I don't know why. I'm rather stuck up like that. And Hyde/Donna wasn't NEARLY canon enough for me!! Damn it, they should have at least had a good make-out session. Give me something for my poor shippy heart to hang onto. But, no. :(
Comments 6
*is jazzed*
Great stuff, luv!
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