[ooc] storylines

May 27, 2008 00:01

Christ could walk on water, we can wade through the war Buffy had a group of very close friends back home - the Scoobies or Slayerettes or whatever you want to call them. She cared deeply about them, and they helped her save the world several times over. Her friends are the thing that keeps her connected to the world of normal people, and she will do anything to make sure they're safe - though a lot of the time they'll get dragged into the same life-threatening situations she tends to find herself in. Buffy tends to fall into a vague "leader" position in this group just out of habit, not that it's anything approaching a formal arrangement. Movie night and fighting big bads are probably equally common for the Scooby gang. [Andrew hesourhostage, Roland gunslingersai, Tay babyxxangel]

I thought I heard somebody calling in the dark Ever since Buffy's life turned... decidedly less than normal, she's had a Watcher to guide her. He's the voice of experience and reason, a father figure of sorts. In high school, her Watcher was probably the one who shaped her most as a person - the person she least wanted to disappoint, the person she most wanted to be proud of her, the person she trusts implicitly. Buffy will be looking, subconsciously, for someone to fill that place in her life, someone to help her find her way in this new world. [Elashte elashte]

there's no one in the corner and there's no one at home Buffy's main support system, the person she's going to go to when she needs to break. The person who she trusts is going to love her unconditionally, who she knows won't judge her for anything she says, who's always going to be there, and can give her advice when she's utterly lost. Probably an older sibling figure - never mind that Buffy's an only child, that's so not the point. [Donna withpockets and Shepard fightyourfoes]

bring me a love that can sweeten a sword Buffy protects people instinctively - it's not technically in her job description, but she tends to consider that it is, and the student body of her high school gave her the title of Class Protector her senior year of high school. These are the people who, for one reason or another, she latches onto and is especially protective of. Most of her friends she's completely happy charging into battle with, but these are the ones she'll want to keep out of the line of fire at all costs, and if you hurt them, she will end you. [Piper savesomelight, one or two openings]

excuse me, you're too busy writing your tragedy Buffy's first real relationship was with a two hundred year old vampire who turned evil and tried to kill her and all of her friends. Healthy relationships? Not a common thing in Buffyland, and she's got a definite thing for the bad boys. This will be the person she falls for who has the potential to really hurt her, who's dangerous just by nature - while it's not guaranteed that he'll hurt her, the possibility is there. Almost certainly going to be male, and anything but an angel. [Romeo the_recruiter]

'cause I'm a train wreck waiting to happen As stated above, normal relationships and Buffy are not exactly a common thing. And when she finds herself in a normal, healthy relationship, she starts worrying that something might be wrong, it's just so far out of her experience. Not necessarily just an average person, because let's face it, just being around Buffy tends to lead you into not-normal situations, but... someone she falls for who's not a vampire or going to turn evil or anything, someone who's good for her and safe and because of that, she really won't know how to deal with him. [one opening]

going back on what they asked you to believe Buffy's fallen through the Rift into a world where she doesn't know exactly where the lines of good and evil lie. And trying to find her way in this world, she's bound to make a few missteps, put her trust in the wrong people. These are the people she grows to love and trust, only to find out that they're really not the nicest people, who will inevitably betray her, whether directly or just by doing one too many things that fall under Buffy's definition of "wrong". Realizing that, she'll turn on them and treat them just like any other evil thing, even if it will break her. [Dresden thepizzalord, possibly Elashte elashte, several openings]

all the things you shed your blood for Buffy's the Slayer. Slayers kill bad things. And while things are very different here than they are at home, when she sees something wrong going on, she's going to want to step in to stop it. These are the people she's pegged as "dangerous", and once she has, she'll do everything in her power to bring them down, until they're either dead or not a threat anymore. [open]

ooc, storylines

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