I had QUITE a pleasant Christmas this year! Everyone loved their gifts
(a phone for Josh, a treasure box for mom, azn snackfoods for my
sister etc) and I scored some sweet loot too!
I got a 19" widescreen LCD monitor from Josh <3 Now my other monitor
looks like I'm trying to peer through dirty, off-prescription glasses.
He also got me The World's Fluffiest Robe (fuzziest?) from Bath and
Body Works and -man- does it ever hold up to its claims. Ubersweet!
He also got me cinnamon-bun scented bodywash. Never have I been more
tempted to guzzle soap. Anyone else get mad loots :3?
And does anyone involved/aware of Shy
(link) this
THIS (link) looks sort
of like Nori?
Additionally, super mega ultra congrats to LBD of
poisonmushroom.org (link) on
getting linked by Kotaku!!! :3 I didn't get to tell him myself (due to
holiday travels and the like) but when I saw the link I gasped and
said "I KNOW THAT GUY" and the like XD I hope he reads his fList
(CONGRATS!! I am/was very excited for you!)