Saying goodbye

May 09, 2008 16:00

I'm not so good with the goodbyes, but I felt like I should say a few things to all of the people that I'm going to miss the most when I leave Agnes Scott tomorrow. I didn't name any names cuz I just think it'll be more amusing for you all to figure out who you are by the descriptions. :-)

*To the girl who showed me the true merit of drinking on a school night,

I freakin love you! You are of those people that I have met in life and immediately felt like I neede to know you better because you are so freakin cool. We have shared a lot of *interesting* memories and I don't think I could have made it through the past 4 years without you. I pride myself on being able to call you "wifey". Please don't ever stop being the hedonist that you are. :-) Even though you don't know what you're going to do with your life I know that whatever it is will be inspired and potentially the coolest thing ever.

*To HO-nes,

There are so many amazing memories I have of us that make me smile. You are such an amazing actress and a gifted story teller (notice how I said Story-teller and not I will never forget going to Thornwell shows with you anf workin shop with you. I know that whatever you decide to do in the theatre, you are going to be wonderful and you're going to impress people everywhere you go.

*To the future owner of the best theatre in New York,

You have so much talent that I can't even stand it! :-) You are one of the sweetest people that I have ever met. You are selfless and funny, and definitely one of the few people I've ever met who genuinely loves people. Please don't ever let New York change you. I'm not really too worried about us losing touch with each other because once you're rich and famous I'll be knocking at your door looking for an acting job... teehee

*The only other non-white person in our group of friends,

What am I gonna do without you there to keep situations from being awkward??!!! You have an amazing spirit. You could walk into any room and completely command everyone's attention without even saying a word. Your laughter is infectious and I'm really going to miss laughing with you.

*To the ginger who keeps me grounded,

Thanks for always being the voice of reason in some seriously crazy times. You are a beautiful person and anybody who tells you different is LYING!! I know you've been getting discouraged about this whole Agnes Scott thing, but I have faith that you're gonna make it through in one piece next year. I love you! Come hang out with me this summer...

*To the R.D. who rocks like none other,

I don't know how you managed to stay under the radar for so long as one of the FUNNEST PEOPLE EVER!!! Although you were not too pleased with being labaled as the first one of us to get married (aside from the one who's married in a week and a half), you should know that your compassion and heart are the things that got you that label, so you shouldn't feel too bad about it. :-) I wish I could say that I was half as mature and responsible as you are, but I don't think that'll be happening for at least 5 years!

*To the Jew who manages to keep me going to frat parties,

You are one of the coolest people I know! I don't think any other person has ever impressed me quite as much as you have. Out of all the people who have dated any of my friends, you are the only one that makes me proud of my friend for picking a "good one". Don't ever regret being the nice guy that you are.

*To the most intense little person I know,

Sometimes your intensity scares the shit out of me! I don't know how you manage to be so passionate about everything that you do, but it inspires me. I don't care what you say, I have faith that you are going to end up being the most successful and happy out of all of us.

*To the little hippie that got away,

God, I miss you like none other! I wish you could have come to visit this year because there were more than a few times when I was doing something and realized that the only thing that could have made it better was if you were there. I hope we stay in touch and actually get to see each other soon. Love you!!!

*To my former roomie (the tall one, that is),

I don't understand how so much genius was ever allowed to occupy one person's body. You have always been an inspiration to me. Sophomore year would have been infinitely less interesting without you around to instigate and force me to do things that are sometimes outside of my comfort zone (yes I am talking about a certain shower I know that one day you will rule the world and I will be so proud to have been able to call you a friend and confidante.

*To my other former roomie (the one who's been missing for a semester),

I don't think I ever could have imagined how great of a friend you would be to me. Thank you for putting up with me my Junior year, when I had crisis after crisis. You had the misfortune of rooming with me during a year when I didn't necessarily like myself most of the time, and yet you loved me like a sister (an older one at that...) You kept me out of so much trouble (or at least tried to) by weighing all the possible consequences to my actions. Basically, what I'm tryin to say is that even though it may not have seemed like I was listening all those times you warned me not to go to tech or not to drink while doing homework or other things like that, I heard you. And I appreciate that you were looking out for me when I wasn't really looking out for myself. I love you and I 've missed you so much this semester.

*To the one who's obsessed with Genocide... I mean the HOLOCAUST!,

You are one crazy ass history major, but that's what makes you so loveable. I only got to hang out with you for one year, but I feel like I've known you all four years. I don't think you realize how much of a beautiful soul you really are. I am so lucky to have met you, and I hope I get to see you before I move off to L.A. in September.

*To the crazy shop-girl/history major,

You are not quite what you seem! I don't care what you say, history majors are much more crazy than theatre majors!! I'm not so sure I would have made it our of shop without you there to ward off the craziness of the other workers and give me crazy facial expressions across the stage. It has been such a pleasure getting to know you better.

*To the crazy quiet one,

I love talking to you! You always have the perfect sarcastic reaction to anything I tell you. Your dry humor is classic and I don't think I would have gotten through first-year without being able to retreat to your room and play with your stuffed animals. You are wonderful!

*To the one who's getting married in a week,

I cannot believe you're getting married! I feel like I can always count on you to liven up any drab and dismal situation I may find myself in. Your strength and willingness to do things that aren't always the norm is something I wish I had. Congratulations on finding someone who you love and want to spend the rest of your life with.

*To the current (and future) roomie,

You're a psycho!! j/k You already know how much I love you. I don't think I've ever known someone and been so blown away by the creative force that follows them everywhere. I have no doubt in my mind that you are going to be an amazing playwright and knock people over with the sheer force of your mind!

*To the crazy Canadian with a streak of grey hair,

Thanks for making me an alcoholic! hahaha Oh man, I wish we'd had more time together here. You are so freakin cool! I always look forward to seeing you when you come into town and I can't wait to be out in L.A. with you. I love you like none long as you stop doing that gesture whenever a certain person's name is mentioned!

*To the one who had the most potential to break my heart,

Don't worry, you didn't.. break my heart, that is (it just seemed like the best title to give you). I know that you think I wanted to date you, but I can honestly say that my attraction to you was nothing more than a sick fascination with someone who I knew I shouldn't/couldn't have. (What can I say, as a youngest child I've always wanted what I can't have...) I'm sad that we both let weird sexual tension and hormones get in the way of what could have been an awesome friendship. Despite all this, I am still going to miss when I leave the Atl. You gave me a lot of fun and crazy stories to laugh about now that it's all said and done. Even though there has been some sketchiness between us, I want you to know that I think you are going to be an awesome person someday.. but not necessarly

*To the one that manages to make me feel like a dumbass for just existing,

You are freakin awesome! Although the circumstances under which we met were sketchy (I believe a shot party was involved) You truly are one of the people that I wish I could be more like. You have never been afraid to tell me the truth about anything even if it makes you sound like a complete asshole. And you're definitely not afraid to call me on my bullshit. I admire that about you, and I hope that you hold on to that throughout your life...well maybe not the asshole part. I really hope that we keep in touch. And no I'm not drunk! I actually quite serious.

*To the people who knew me before I started at Agnes,

You are some of the most amazing people I know and I hope to God we're still friends when all of this is over. I didn't write anything specifically to you because I know I'll get to see you guys around... or at least I hope so.

*To all of those that I didn't list,

I'm sorry I didn't give you something geared especially towards you. I do love you guys, I promise.

And finally...

*To the one enemy I've made this year,

You should be commended... I'm sorry, I mean COMMITTED for the amount of creative lies you spew out every single day of your life! I'm sorry that you think I'm worthy of your hatred because I choose to stand up for my friends. That is what friends are supposed to do for each other, isn't it? Wait, you wouldn't know that because you no longer have any friends!! You are a sad human being and I really hope that one day, you will find your own happiness without feeling the need to shit on everyone else's first. And let's be honest here, the only real reason you hate that she's dating him is because they are the two people you want to fuck the most, but they're fucking each other... without you! I'm choosing not to tag you because I'm sure you'll see this anyway, seeing as how you already think the world revolves around you, so of course, you'll probably read this note...
By the way, you're pathetic!

Goodbye, all! I'll miss you.. well except for the last one. I tend not to miss bitches.


love, goodbyes

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