What Is In Store For Me?

Feb 18, 2004 16:12

When I was still in school, and completely healthy I used to be happy. I used to have fun just workin' out playin football, chillin wit my boys, partying, and flirting with every girl that came my way. I used to think to myself that I was the man, and that I had it made. I would quote every great, egotistical wrestling quote I could. Then when I got kicked out of school and I broke my leg I had to put on this little act like I didn't care, like it was no big deal. My mom would ask me if I regreted everything that I did last semester, and I would reply with a HUGE grin and say, "Fuck No!" Then I came up with a funny little riddle for people who asked me the similiar question, "Hey! What has 2 thumbs and doesn't give a fuck? THIS GUY!" Well I am going to admit that I miss everything from WestConn. I sit in my room all day and wait for the phone to ring with a reply from the 8 job applications that I put out. It seems that everybody around me has a significant other as well. WHAT THE FUCK?!? I am happy to see my friends and family members have somebody to have in their live, to love, and enjoy every waking moment with. But why not me? I had it once, but pissed it away. Then I had another opportunity for a lovely relationship with a girl that I thought was mad cool, but I was to stupid to pick up on any form of flirting that she was doing. Now I don't even know where the fuck the girl is. Just my luck. I dunno what to do with myself at all. Here is a poem I wrote about a certain girl:

What I wouldn't give to turn the clocks back
What I wouldn't give to be with you again
I would do anything for the chance to hold you in my arms again
I would give up everything to touch your lips again
And most of all I would change everything and anything just to have you be mine again
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