Answers for Erehwesle

Jun 17, 2003 22:53

1. I'd love to know more about your house. How long have you lived there? How old is it and what are you most proud of accomplishing in your renovations? (Yeah, that's three! Too bad!)

I can hardly belive that in July it will be 2 years that I've been here. The house is a duplex/semi-detached or whatever the real estae guru's are calling it these days. It's basically a town house attached to another - two houses build together. It was built in 1950 and is about 1200 square feet. It has the original hard wood floors throughout, and they are in really bad shape. The previous owners worked hard to get the floors this much covered in paint & crap. I eventually want to refinish them, but that's a ways down the road. I wouldn't say I've done any true renovation. Mostly decoration and massive cleaning. Trying to get rid of the 27 years of smoke resdue. So far I've ripped up carpet, done a lot of painting, and just generally decorated. I still have not done a thing to my office, and that is in the plan this year still. Scraping old paint, and painting a nice cranberry color. But the thing I'm most proud of is that I've been told by several people that it's very cozy.

2. Describe for me your favorite restaurant in Baltimore and what meal you usually get.
This one is hard. I've realized that I tend toward the chain restaurants like Macaroni Grill for dinners. For lunches I'll got to more local family owned sub shops. If I had to pick a favorite right now it's a little Italian sub shop/grocery store called Pastore's. I love their cold cut sub, but being on the weight watchers, I end up getting a sub they call The Godfather. Roast beef, italian grated cheeses, onions, lettuce, olives, and I get the Itlatian dressing on the side. Mm-mm. I also love seafood & will get steamed shrimp from a shop around the corner. As I did for dinner tonight.

3. What are your plans for the loot you're bringing in from the Starbucks job?
I have several things in mind - some fun some practical. First I'll pay off the mattress set I got last year on the "pay nothing for one yars deal". Then I'll use some for my trip to Phoenix in August. If I'm still there, I'll put money aside for an area rug for my bedroom. I have big dreams for my little wages.

4. What are the best characteristics of "JAG" and why should I catch it it reruns?
Well, I won't say it's a highly intellectual show. It doesn't tax the mind at all really. I watch it mostly for the romance between Harm & Mac...or the UST. And the characters are very nice eye candy. I'll give them one thing though, they are pretty good at continuity. Much better than say, CC ever was.

But I also enjoy the military drama. I've always respected people who go into the military & make it their life's work. It takes dedication. I like the jets & the aircraft carriers. I like the way that the show makes it seems so exciting. I like how they obviously respect the military & try to get things right. Not that they focus on that more than the story, but they pay attention to the details at least to some extent.

5. What skill or talent are you most proud of?
Wow - this is a tough one. I don't have overt skills or talents like being able to sing or dance. I'm decent at organization. I'm a good listener. I may have to ponder this one some more.

It seems I'm headed to Cleveland next week for work. I was planning to head out to western Maryland for a long weekend with the sisters, but yesterday I found an e-mail from HQ telling me I'd be going to Ohio for training. Um, OK. No choice, just "we're arranging for you to fly in Thursday & leave Friday." Several people will be on this training trip, and one I've wanted to meet for over a year, so it'll be nice for that. And she talked me into staying over the weekend and heading to Cedar Point Amusement Park. The only issue is that she seems to be a major thrill seeker, while I'm not. I'll ride a rollar coaster, but I don't like the ones with really scary drops. I don't think I'd enjoy a stand-up one either. It'll be fun though.
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