Well, this is the third round for the tauren head I've been working on. It's been a real slow process, but then it's probably going to be worth it in the end.
I had to take a break from it as this stupid swine flu wound me up in the ER as I couldn't breathe properly. Turns out it migrated to my lungs and I am fighting double pneumonia *gags*. They've got me on heavy meds for it and told me to go home because they had no beds, and if I have troubles to just go back. Like that's going to be easy as I can't drive because my focus is gone. Well, I guess while I can I might as well do something productive...
So I started out with the cast head, and made some horns for it. The plastic ones I was going to use just didn't have the right size and shape, so I modified them a bit, and made a mold I could use as a casting base from which to make them.
Basically a rough idea what it will look like once they're attached. Ok so I set to work attaching the horns to the head. Had my trusty dremel handy to shape the horns so they would fit, some aluminum wire to stitch them to the head, and then set to work.
The horns are attached and fit pretty snug. I also took some Delight molding clay and farted around a bit with the nose, which seems to look more like a bovine snout rather than a pig. LOL! I built up a ridge at the top of the head which I will use as an anchoring point later on.
Here I also added some more aesthetic stuff like latex rubber on the nose and the horns. I wanted to use Plasti-Dip but they don't sell the stuff anymore. This seems to work quite nicely. I just added some black paint to a small batch and did what you can see here. The main body of the horns are the natural latex color once dried. I applied a few coats so it's sealed nicely. This stuff actually gives it a cool texture too.