Day 18 - Favorite protagonist.
Day 19 - Picture of a game setting you wish you lived in
Day 18 - Favorite protagonist.
Very tempted to put Link here: certainly, he's one of my favorite video game heroes. However I think it's time to spotlight someone else in this meme.
Meet Phoenix Wright.
You know you've got a good main character going on when he can keep you hooked. This isn't to say Apollo Justice or AA Investigations are bad games (quite the contrary!) only that it's playing as Nick in the first three that really pull you in. He's determined but hopeless, getting by on a unique mixture of crap shots, luck, and the ability to put the pieces together in a not-so-obvious way to see the bigger picture wherein it works. He's hilarious on the bench: really, no one else pulls OBJECTION! the way he does, and I love his little side commentary on those around him. His reasoning for getting into law is also Ace: from trying to help a friend, to trying to help those in need, when the chips are down this is the lawyer you want to call. ^_^
Day 19 - Picture of a game setting you wish you lived in.
I'll take the CloudRunner Fortess of StarFox Adventures for $500 Alex. Damn breathtaking water garden mixed with marble temple design. Very ancient ruins meet feng shi.