New Year and new meme

Jan 01, 2011 20:29

Happy New year everyone! I feel like I should write out this lovely detailed entry about the past holidays and coming new year.. but reality is, I'd rather sit back with a piece of chocolate orange (traditional holiday treat in our house) a cup of tea (vanilla nut, decaf) and do an amusing meme. Hence,enjoy!

Borrowed from red_confession:

30 days of Video Games.

Day 1 - Your very first video game.
Day 2 - Your favorite character.
Day 3 - An underrated game.
Day 4 - Your guilty pleasure game.
Day 5 - Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were).
Day 6 - Most annoying character.
Day 7 - Favorite game couple.
Day 8 -  Best soundtrack.
Day 9 - Saddest game scene.
Day 10 - Best gameplay.
Day 11 - Gaming system of choice.
Day 12 - A game everyone should play.
Day 13 - A game you’ve played more than five times.
Day 14 - Current (or most recent) gaming wallpaper.
Day 15 - Post a screenshot from the game you're playing right now.
Day 16 - Game with the best cut scenes.
Day 17 - Favorite antagonist.
Day 18 - Favorite protagonist.
Day 19 - Picture of a game setting you wish you lived in.
Day 20 - Favorite genre.
Day 21 - Game with the best story.
Day 22 - A game sequel which disappointed you.
Day 23 - Game you think had the best graphics or art style.
Day 24 - Favorite classic game.
Day 25 - A game you plan on playing.
Day 26 - Best voice acting.
Day 27 - Most epic scene ever.
Day 28 - Favorite game developer.
Day 29 - A game you thought you wouldn't like, but ended up loving.
Day 30 - Your favorite game of all time.

Day 1: Your first video game.

Honestly? I'm teetering between DuckHunt, Mario Bros and Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers, all on the original Nintendo. It wasn't my own console, that I remember. While I did eventually get a NES system (used), video games (well, those not on personal computers) weren't something my parents purchased: it was something I saved up for and bought when on sale... although some of the savings must have been based on money given at birthdays & Christmas, since I'm not otherwise certain how I later paid for a SNES. I have some memories of playing video games with my cousins though, so I'll say that they were the ones that got me into it with Duckhunt. I think I had a babysitter who played, and another set of cousins (keep in mind I have over 30 now) had Mario 3. Fairly positive I've been a Nintendo fan girl since age six. For computer games, I also recall an ALF game, where the objective was to catch cats and avoid a dog catcher much like Pac-Man, and "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego" (classic).

memes, movies & games

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