The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Who would make a better window-washer,
ciox or
elven_mudblood?jedi_mac! whehehe ;)What do you most envy about
bert_repeater?his musical talentsHow many licks would
pinggoy take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?um... one? ;)Does
layag understand quantum chromodynamics?malamang... malay!What is
jedi_mac's favorite book?paulo coelho's veronica decides to die (sentimental reasons i suppose)If you had the chance to sleep with
blue_fairy83, would you?OF COURSE!What is
jomags's favorite meal?hmmm..What does
lambatsoy look for in a significant other?i have no idea...Why would
daremortem go to heaven but
_imjustanobody_ go to hell?cause daremortem's cool and _imjustanobody_'s hotDo you envy
crolis's job?no... (same job as mine)
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
style="clear: both;">Do you feel enlightened now?