
Oct 24, 2007 14:46

uwa~ i started sweating more nervously than a fat lady in a sauna, by which i mean, i um... pretty much failed my japanese oral exam. see, during regular conversation i can speak fine without having like incredibly awkward pauses, but haha i actually don't know what happened during this exam. i had prepared myself pretty well, analyzed the data beforehand, memorized the expressions and the ways to say your opinion, but it kinda just, i dunno, pooped out of my brain right when i stepped in the classroom.
the funny part was that i was trying to think of how to use the causitive form of "to help" and kept going from, "手伝。。。" to "させる?させられる?" to "えっと。。。手伝ってくれる。。。" when it was just supposed to be 手伝わせる. lol oh man, well.... i guess i'll practice more with my conversation partner.

but i did run into my teacher from last year lol, but all i could think about was the upcoming exam so i almost just passed him cause he was like, "あ〜ソンさん!久しぶりですよね!元気?" and my response was "hai" and just started walking on. LOL. and he turns around and says, "hai?....." it took me a while to snap back to reality so i turned back around and conversed with him a bit. i feel bad. haha. i think i need to visit my other teachers also. weird that i never visit other teachers after the quarters pass, but i tend to take a liking to all of my jpn teachers so i like visiting them even if i don't have class with them anymore.

anyways. yes, i failed. shimatta~ that was hard.
ah, but while i was waiting for my turn, i was talking to one of my classmates and you know, asked the routine question of "so are you ready" and my god did she come off very arrogant! lol. have some modesty, woman!

so we got this really interesting assignment for our law class where we have to go down to either the county court house or jail house to sit in through some trials. i'll be going this saturday and if anything happens to me, like if i get jumped or shanked, i'm gonna blame it all on my friend. don't go to the county jail house by yourself~ but shouldn't it be "don't go to the county jail with scrawny asian guys"?

you guys watch the show 'house'? lol yeah, so i was also talking to this guy that's in my jpn class and in the creative writing major and we were talking about teachers and i told him about my poetry teacher and apparently (i know, i'm using "and" at an excess) he's the "house of the creative writing dept" LOL. which is true, actually. he's a total ass, likes to beat up your poetry, but he's a freakin' genius when it comes to it so you can't exactly hate the guy.

enough with school rants, huh?

i can't wait until next week's ep of utahime. okura gets grabbed in the crotch by the old lady. whoa, censor, please.

exams, school

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