Jun 11, 2006 13:01
im back from camp--wow what a change. I don't even know what to say.
well it was a real eye opener for me. it showed me not everything has to be about me, its about God. and i know all you kids out there think christians are crazy and pushy and just people "afraid to die". i admit we're pretty crazy-lol-and we may be a little pushy, but only because thats our job we have to help people who don't know christ and all that jazz. we're not afraid to die either. we put it all in God's hands so we don't have to worry as much. anyways.
at camp we played fun games that i couldn't play worth a crap so they weren't really fun for me, lol, but they were fun for everyone else.
and then we went to two seminars a day having one goal in mind: to have a real authentic relationship with christ. they worked with us on self esteem and i just want you all to remember that God loves you all no matter what you do. and i want you to know drugs alcohol and cutting etc. isn't going to take any pain away, its just going to make everything worse..
have you ever wondered why everytime something happens to us we always say "oh my God!" .. well thats basically how God designed us. It's natural that we call out to him because he's our creater, so think about that next time you stub your toe and scream AHHH JESUS GOD. lol
well i'm sure thing is going to drag on and everyone's going to be like 'gosh adelie's such a hypocrite about everything' and yeah i admit im a dumb hypocrite lol, but i've learned a lot in this past week. love yourself for who you are, don't care what people think because the only one that matters is God, love the unlovley,be more understanding, help people,talk to God-- it'll make your life MUCH easier, God doesn't throw things your way if you can't handle it, and reach for people who are lost and can't find there way.
I feel so complete, you have no idea. thanks to sam kristin & becca for getting me through that week, we all helped eachother even though we were all going crazy with mixed emotions. i love you guys. =]
well i'm done blabbering.
peace out.