Aug 14, 2006 17:07
i found my diary from english clas in 6th grade. let me remind all readers that i went to wayfinder between 7th and 8th grade.
So this is basically what I was like before wayfinder.
here are some excerpts: ( 'sic' may apply )
"6/6/01 Today is special because this day will never happen again. Okay, mabye it's not special. I hate my sister. I wish I could trade places with Brittney Spears because she is so pretty. And popular. But I would feel sorry for her to live sucha lousy life as mine."
"2/20/01 When I turn 16 I want to be a tatooist. I want to live alone in a nice, clean house with no children, no cities, and no men. Isn't that a dream come true? I like to not pay large bills, so, I would ration my heat and light/not too much). I want to be as succsess full as Miss. Grega, she's so amazing!"
note- Miss Grega was fired a few years later. She was caught having sex with the principal or something.
"1/17/01 I know it's hard to believe, but I used to get straight A's (and A+'s)! Now I am different, and you are probably wondering why. This is because people made fun of me when I was "smart". I even skipped 2nd grade!"
"5/29/01 I draw what I feel. I feel what I draw. The way I draw affects my mood. My mood affects the way I draw. What I draw affects the way I feel about my surroundings. The way I feel about my surroundings effects the way I draw."
"10/19/00 What I could do without- divorce and half-siblings: I hate both of my half sisters and I hate my half brother! You know why they existe? Because of divorce! I hate their bloody guts! And I hate my mom! She is so mean! She charged me $20 because I missed the bus this morning! Last night she was hitting my half sisters because they were crying."
"9/26/00 I love to draw. I have a huge, blank book to draw in. The pictures I draw are usually digimon. Most of the drawings are good, but some aren't. There are about 10 good pictures. Biyomon is my favorite digimon. In the second season, they say Sora kisses Tai."
"10/5/00 I just learned yesterday that Digimon is actually a show for adults! There isn't much blood, because they don't show it in America. They cut out the huge amount of dirty stuff(you know what I mean). But now that I think of it, it's pretty simple to throw in bunches of curses in one part of the show. Know what I told in writing a few days before, those two kids fighting a lot? Well, that's where I think it fits in. And I still think Digimon is the bombe. Also, sailor moon is meant for older kids."
"10/30/00 On saturday, I watched a new digimon episode... ."
"1/26/01 I hate Mellisa Clarkson. She probebly hates me. Same with Jessica Prentice and Kristen Martin. Maybe even Kristina Ramse. I have never liked a boy in my life. I never want to get married and I want to be an artist."
note- Melissa Clarkson punched me at some point that year.
"12/4/00 The rehearsel was fun, and we had a great time. Afer we preformed for Mr. Abrahms band, he preformed for us. Today is my birthday! I hate getting older. Now I am 11. I skipped 2nd grade. Why does everyone say I look 13? Or 14? I just turned 11."
"12/7/00 Most times when I start to draw something, someone will look over my shoulder and say, "Wow, your so good!" or "That's such a cool picture!" It may seem wonderful, but it's actually pretty embarassing. I don't know why I feel that way, but I just do. Usually I draw Digimon, or just a griffon eating a small animal. Once in a while I draw a griffon in combat with another griffon, or maybe a unicorn. Drawing is fun. I draw animals because they are easy to draw."
"12/19/00 Many people say I'm smart. I hate it. I want to be a normal kid. That's why my grtades aren't all 100's. I love to draw animals. .... "
"2/12/01 Today in health we read about stress. I know that "the best way" to deal with stress is to try and solve the stress. What I do is take it in and absorb it. I'm sort of like water. I heal quickly from physical stress but will always have stains of mental stress."
"4/23/01 Today I was crying because I wanted to quit band. It sounds easy but it's not. When you're just about to say "I want to quit" you realize everyone's going to crowd around you and ask 'why' over and over agian. this embarasses you and you start to turn red. then your best friend says that it sounds so easy."