Checking in from cyber land

May 19, 2007 00:32

So..its been like 3 months or more since I posted.   I get in a rut when I'm busy and I've hardly been on line at all the last three months.  I've been barely able to keep up with my volunteer work but that work is more important to me than the law office job but the law office pays the bills for now.

The new job is going much smoother.  I've passed my 90 day probation and I'm on track with knowing what I should by now.  I'm still working for 4 attorneys plus doing my normal litigation work.   The desk is really a hybrid of three legal secretary, one administrative assistant and lastly ...the queen of excel and spreadsheets!   I've been working on setting up a brand new database for our team.  Its in Excel right now but I've been 'repairing' it so I could import it from Excel over to MS Access.  The goal is a usuable database that my team can run reports and searches for when they are looking for other cases with the same issues/allegations.  It will look killer on my resume (not that I'm looking right now but its always a CYA in my field).

I also am responsible for putting together quarterly reports from 50 separate law firms and getting the reports and the summaries to my attorneys for review.   Once that is done than I have to put together binders and cd disks of the information from the report and summaries and distribute them to the people that get a copy every 3 months.  Its a lot of hard work and its been one hell of a learning curve.  This job keeps me hopping and I'm learning so much.  I've never had 4 attorneys at once but I seem be keeping up now that I know the ropes.

The last 3 months have sucked the life out of me.  My apologies to good friends and family for not getting ahold of you or being able to hook up to chat and hang out.  I literally have been getting up each day and doing the commute and working late almost every night and on the weekends to get the database up and ready to go.  I miss everyone and not being able to hang out like I used to but for now I expect my schedule to stay as is for the next few months.

Other than that..saving up for retreat.  Hope to buy my ticket in the next few weeks as soon as I make sure that I don't have to have any surgery on my left leg.  Looking forward to seeing all the new faces this year as well as the old ones I remember :)  This year I've worked long enough to have paid time off.  Last year didn't happen that way and it took me a good amount of time to catch up on my obligations.  At least this time I can make up time before/after I get back from Chicago which is something my new firm allows old firm did not.

I've got family showing up all summer it seems and my last guest leaves 2 weeks before retreat starts :P  I'm cutting it close but that is the only time she could get away I said yes.   I will be busy this summer with my job, volunteer stuff and guests in and out..  The summer is going by so fast already and before I know it will be fall again.

My family is doing good.  Zach made me proud this last week when he let me know that he's been doing good in school and made the dean's list this last semester!  Yay...I'm so darn proud of him.  I really miss that dude..its been 2 years since I saw him and most of my family (May 6 makes two years in southern CA if you can believe that! where did the time go?  I sure don't know).  He's working part time while school is out for the summer and of course studying.

Chandra is doing ok ..the kids are getting bigger each time I talk to them.  Caleb is going to be 5 in June.  He has to talk to his grandma a couple of times a week since I need my grandma fix.  Connor will be 2 and he's talking to me on the phone now...just small words but once they talk...they never shut up :P
I'm waiting to see if she will move down here with the boys this year.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed but more than that ..I just want her to be happy ..whatever that is for her...just be happy you know?? sigh..being a parent is the hardest job I've ever..ever..had :P

Everything else is not a big deal.  I'm trying to take my life a day at a time and not give myself away so freely ..I need to be more stingy with my time I think ...anyway I'm heading to bed.  Take care of yourselfs and be safe for the upcoming holiday :)

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