Do the Mini Wheats dance.

Sep 15, 2006 15:04

Oops. I just tried to update my journal without any text. Heh.

To Lily: I'm Christian, and no matter how much I beg, I can't go to Peace. Sorry, my parents just don't like Peace for some STUPID reason. >< And because I've gone over this a thousand times, I'm not explaining why again. ^^

Thank God LJ put in that feature that auto saves the entry. I accidentally restarted the computer and it saved what little I'd written. Kudos to the LJ team once again!

Today wasn't too bad. Lunch was the best, though. ^^ We had a "travelling picnic" and all I had was a box of Mini Wheats. And half a roll of Ritz crackers. But it still rOcKeD tHe HoUsE. Even though there wasn't technically a house to rock, per se. *shrug* Anyways, so here's the good points from lunch:
~I danced a lot. Just 'cuz.
~We had Frosted Mini Wheats! How could you NOT dance with them?
~Lizzy joined me and Lily for lunch! And I declare that Lizzy is undercover as the Speedster because if life were going normal speed she would've mauled into me. (Get it? *~*sparkly inside joke*~*) (jumbo/LARGE)
~Hector came over for, like, two seconds but then he got in trouble. XP
~And the band played! *nodnod* Same as usual, nice.
~I made fun of the cheerleaders. I swear one of these days I'm totally going to dress up as an ugly cheerleader and make fun of them. Like stand behind them where they stand for the lunches and be all weird and stupid, like they are. ^^ Then they'd all cry and beg for their boyfriends and a tissue to pat their faces off and their makeup to draw it back on. Then they'd all think they were fat and go barf up their 100 calorie brunch. And I'd be the proud one, gleaming over all my beautiful work. XD

So today I didn't go all out on my outfit like I have been for the past 3 days; kinda just didn't feel like it/didn't see a reason to. *shrug* Oh, btw, here's an inside joke for all ya'll to be in on: Super Queen Amidala vs. the red Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. XD Maybe they'll put that picture in the yearbook. I doubt it, though. Not like I mind much.

Side note: Whoever invented the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles totally felt random the day he imagined it.

It's like.... the Senior Alien Furry Blobs of Liver or something. Except that would'nt've hit off so well.

...unless you gave them lazor beams. That shot out of their asses; assuming alien furry livers have asses.

Ok now that that dead horse has been beaten, on to the next topic........

SURPRISE there is no other topic. Oh, besides that I'm in a good mood right now; it's probably because I'm on my period. Not to be too TMI, but seriously. It equalizes my moods. So I'm usually quite happy around this time of the month. More in a somewhat steady state of not-caring-ness. It's like if something pisses me off, I get really mad, but for, like, max 2 minutes. Then I suddenly don't care anymore. It's great.

Ok, NOW I'm done. You may resume your lives now.

The Bloated Wonder of Nature,
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