a little bit of this, a little bit of that

Apr 03, 2011 20:45

So, so much has been going on lately!

* I am getting a new boss! This is one of those 'is the devil you know better than the devil you don't' sort of deals, because while Lindsay drives me nuts half the time I DO know him and how to handle him. My new boss, Adam? Not so much - he starts on the 17th, so we'll see how that goes.

* As per always, I'm doing a midnight launch tomorrow - this one for my beloved Tron: Legacy but I am sad at how it is, essentially, made of spectacular FAIL! I wanted to do a cool release with awesome games and prizes but work ended up throwing so many projects at me I never really got a chance to organize anything awesome. And on this note...

It occurs to me that I have made some new LJ friends recently - I should do one of those godawful getting-to-know-me kinda memes, soooo...

Name: Kami

Age: Old *cries* Okay, no, not really that old - 20s, but, you know, later scale there...

Location: Virginia - my whole life. Same town. *cries*

Job: Manager at Moviestop. Ah, retail - yes, exactly where I pictured myself. *cries*

Family: Dad, Mom, sister, Jena (much sibling rivalry), husband Steve, two cats

Favourite Movies: I plan on doing a picspam/meme on this at some point, but here are my top five (in no order): Romancing the Stone, Donnie Darko, Royal Tenenbaums, Fight Club, and Coraline. But considering my job, you can imagine, I watch and know quite a great deal about films.

Favourite Books: I like so many and own so many it's not even funny. I always peg Relic by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child as my favorite book because, while it's not deep or anything truly substantial, it is an entertaining tale about a monster eating people in a museum. DO NOT see the movie by any means - the movie is a disgrace to the book - they cut out one of the main (and best) characters for god's sake!

Music: Arcade Fire, Killers, Muse, Snow Patrol, Coldplay, Queen, Journey, INXS, Florence + The Machine, Tori Amos, Bloc Party, Matthew Good, but really a grab bag overall - I'm more a song person than a band/artist person - I like to look at music as a big ol' soundtrack - a nice mix of everything!

Other Interests: Cooking. I'm always excited to tackle a new recipe. Comics - mostly read DC these days but Marvel brought back Crossgen, so I'm stoked about that.

Fandoms: I have dabbled in, been in love with, or am still in love with the following - Flight of the Conchords, Tron, Big Bang Theory, Sherlock (BBC), Community, Doctor Who, Justified, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Bones, Smallville, Harry Potter, Glee, House

Ships: Bret/Jemaine, Flynn/Tron, Flynn/Alan, Penny/Sheldon, Sherlock/John, Doctor/Rose - all other ships I've had are just sort of small in comparison. In other words, I didn't love them with the burning passion I did/do the ones listed above. But you never know when the next big one will hit and stick with me but hard.

What do you do in the fandom? Write fiction - some good, some poor - depending on my mood/self esteem that day/hour/moment/etc.

Describe a bad habit of yours: Raging self esteem issues?

What's one place you really want to visit before you die? ANY PLACE. No, really, there is a list of places I'd like to go - Ireland, Paris, England, Rome - one of the biggest ones though, is Canda. I'd actually like to meet/talk to Jill in person if she's not too freaked out by the idea...

Anything else you would like to tell us about you? I am a big old ball of mess. But I am friendly and, I like to think, I am fun and while all this is only internet!friends and all, I assure you, if we got to hang out in real life you'd find I'm pretty relaxed and all about trying to be entertaining or something...

Want to post a picture?: OF COURSE. One of the many things I want to do in life? Take pictures like this (gorgeous):

...I also wish I looked like this girl (yeah, you can't see her face, but she looks tall and waifish, soooo). And I wish I had her clothes. *wistful sigh*

* Big Bang Theory is good again?! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?! I watched a couple episodes on the hubby's insistance and damn if I'm not enjoying the hell out of Amy. Her and Penny's 'bestie' relationship is made of nothing but win.

* Read a lot of fics lately - had a lot of that old naggin' 'this is so much better than anything I can/will ever produce I should just give up now' nonsense run through me. My whole writer self is like Rapunzel in the beginning of Tangled when she first leaves the tower and keeps jumping from excited (BEST. DAY. EVER) to upset (I'm a horrible daughter, I'm a horrible person).

* In conclusion - I wish I wrote more interesting posts - lol.

television, meme, thinky thoughts, work, rl, fandom

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