Quick notes

Dec 19, 2010 10:30

* I drank tooooo much last night.

* Saw Tron: Legacy, I liked it but I can understand why a lot of people won't - if you don't like the original 'Tron' in some capacity, you probably won't like the new one.

* I still don't feel like its' Christmas - and I've been trying - I seem to be addicted to watching 'Home Alone' lately...

* 2010 has got to be one of the worst years ever for me and for everyone I know - I look forward to it being OVER.

* I want to write more fic!!! I miss it.

* I don't know what 2011 holds, but I hope it holds a new job for me - it would just be a bit more clear if I knew what I want to do exactly...

* I need to lose weight...

* I also watched and adored 'Tangled'.

movies, thinky thoughts, drinkin', rl

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