Fic: The Master Plan (2/?)

May 10, 2010 20:17

Title: The Master Plan (2/?)
Author: she_burns1
Pairing: Bret/Doctor (Jemaine)
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,516
Summary: AU, FOTC/Doctor Who cross, Bret and the Doctor run into Captain Jack Harkness and several unexpected things come to light.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FOTC or Doctor Who or anything fun really.
Warning: Pre-slash...what? For me this IS a warning, lol.
Notes: Lots of guest stars! Mentions of sex! Cuteness! Terror! Suspense! You reading it?
Previous Chapters: 1

Bret scowled as he fiddled with the cell door, fingers trying to find some purchase to pull at, "Gotta be a way out of here..."

"Unlikely," Jack muttered, eyes casting upwards, "Not unless you can grow twelve feet. Some windows up there, but they're tiny and well beyond our reach-"

"Doesn't matter," Bret muttered, "Have to find a way out of here. Gotta help Jemaine-"

"Jemaine?" Jack asked, puzzled.

Bret looked at him, "Yeah, the Doctor. Call 'im Jemaine."

"Why Jemaine?"

"That's the name he gave me when he came - 's sort of a game we play. I call him, Jemaine, he badgers me about calling him Doctor, I still call him Jemaine. Mean...first off, I like that name better. Jemaine. It's a normal name. And Doctor, well, mean...he's not really a Doctor, is he? Haven't seen him, like, set a bone or stitch a wound or anything. Think he just uses the title to sound all proper and important. Debonair..."

"Debonair, huh?" Jack asked with a small chuckle and Bret found himself blushing again. He shook his head as he tried the door for the millionth time, "Well, anyway...can't leave him alone, right? Much less with that Master Taika fellow or whatever."

"Can't believe it," Jack groaned, "Taika. It's been Taika this whole time! I mean, when we arrived here, Taika and me, I sensed something was up and I overheard the locals - I knew the Master was involved in this place, but to find out it was Taika. That Taika was the Master..."

Jack sat down heavily and Bret looked at him apprehensively, teeth worrying his bottom lip, " really cared about him?"

Jack crossed his arms and let out a huff, "He was a friend. He was...a lot happened to me, Bret. A lot you don't know, a lot even the Doctor doesn't with was tough, but rewarding and it was...I just - I just needed some time. Had to get away, had to collect myself and Taika...he came at the right time. He was understanding and sweet and, well, hell, he was sexy. So confidant and sure and he had my back more times than I can count. There was this bar fight we got into on the space station Iselin..." Jack rubbed at his neck, "Doesn't matter now was all a lie."

Bret shrugged, voice hopeful, "Maybe...maybe not all of it."

Jack let out a snort and Bret tried again, "Mean, couldn't have all been. Otherwise, why not just kill you? You know? After - after he got what he wanted...maybe it wasn't all a lie. Maybe know, sort of liked you, too."

Jack knocked his head lightly back against the wall and laughed, winking at Bret, "You're a real sweetheart, Bret. Seriously. I can see now why the Doctor chose you. Hopeful, friendly little guy. He's been looking for someone like you a long time."

Bret shuffled from side to side, "What...what d'you mean?"

"Mean...sure you never met them, but...his other companions...the ones I met - they were foxy, oh yeah, sure, and smart as whips but they weren''re so...innocent. Cheerful. You're like a ray of sunshine. Warm and...comforting. And he, well, mean, don't know how he acts with this regeneration but, some things don't ever change and deep inside he's old and tired and so very dark. He needs warmth. Needs comfort and unconditional love and you just hand that out in bowlfuls, don't you? Even to someone like me, someone you don't even know."

"You...seem fine enough," Bret said, trying to decided whether or not what Jack was saying about him was good or bad, "'re Jemaine's friend..."

Jack's eyes cast upwards, "Am I?"

"...that's what he said."

Jack looked at Bret, surprised, "Really?"

Bret nodded. Jack felt his lips twitch in a sardonic smile, "Wonder if I would still be...if he knew all that I had done..."

Bret, not knowing what he could add to that, returned his attention to the door. There had to be a way out of here. And he would prefer to find it sooner rather than later. After all, Jemaine was in danger. Every time Bret closed his eyes he could see that man dragging Jemaine out, could hear him screaming...

Bret shook his head, trying to dissuade the noise as he kept working. Jack cleared his throat, asking nonchalantly, "So, how long?"

Bret swallowed thickly, not turning around, heart sort of skipping as he answered in a high pitched voice, "How long what?"

"How long have you been traveling with the Doctor?"

Bret relaxed considerably, letting out a heavy breath, "Oh! Oh...been...few days? Months? Time gets sort of the Tardis. Just know its' been a while."

"Uh huh," Jack said and he got to his feet, walking closer to Bret, voice gentle, "And how long have you been in love with him?"

Bret froze and turned, eyes as round as saucers, "I'm-I'm...I'm not..."

"Okay, how long have you had a crush on him, then?" Jack asked with a devilish grin.

Bret's face was flaming and he turned, pressing his back hard against the door, eyes still wide with fright, a strange, nervous laugh leaving him, eyes darting everywhere, "No, no, I don't have a...Jack, he's...he's a man."


"And-and...I'm a man."

"Yes, I can see that."

Bret licked his lips, voice desperate, "So we're...we're both men."

"Your point?"

Bret couldn't look at Jack, his embarrassment overwhelming, "Jack, it''d be a"


Bret's mouth flapped silently a few moments, as he was unsure how to proceed. Finally he met Jack's eyes again, managing a weak, "M'not..."

"I am."

If it was possible, Bret's eyes got wider, "You?!"

"Well, sort of," Jack said with a big smile as he leaned against the door, "I'm really an all opportunities kinda guy. Male, female, humanoid, non-humanoid...I'm just a real people person."

Bret gulped, "So...earlier...when you said..."

Jack leaned closer to Bret, his hand reaching out to brush under his chin quickly, "I wasn't lying when I said you're cute. I could you up."

Bret backed away a little, heart beating fast, "Y-you and the Do...Jemaine?"

Jack let out a sad sigh, "No. Never. Such a shame, really. Talk about having a crush on someone. No, no...the Doctor has only had eyes for one companion...least that I know of and now, well," Jack shrugged, "Who can say? He certainly does seem quite protective of you-"

"Me?" Bret squeaked.

"Yeah, mean, I'd say no more than most companions, but there's...dunno...something there. I mean, he's traveling with you alone. Not like him at all. The Master may be a bastard, but even bastards can be right. Normally he has a nice Earth girl with him or an Earth girl right alongside a boy...never a boy alone..."

"I'm not a boy," Bret tossed out testily, "I'm a grown man for flip's sake..."

"Fine, a man," Jack stressed then, with a grin, "A really, really, really," he came closer, eyes on Bret's mouth, "Attractive man."

Bret wished he wasn't at such a loss for words, as he cringed at what escaped him now, "Um, you-you' of...the sexy one...mean...for a man and I'm just...I'm not-"

"God, someone really needs to kiss you breathless," Jack swore and he ducked his head closer, talking just against Bret's mouth, "Wish it could be me."

Jack drew back and Bret almost collapsed into a puddle on the floor. He blinked a few times, trying to regain his ground, "Wh-what-?"

"Come on, I can be a cad, but I can be a good guy, too," Jack chided, "I'll save that first kiss for the Doctor. Sure he'll plant it on you eventually...or maybe the other way 'round, but regardless, I sense a mind-numbingly hot kiss in the future and if you all ever feel like you need a third, just give me a ring."

Bret shook his head, "But you said-"

"Maybe this regeneration is a bit more experimental than the last one," Jack said with a shrug, "And aren't I the jealous one to miss out on that. Seriously, you see those lips? And the glasses and the hair and that adorable lil' gap in the teeth - mean, he's a bit more lackadaisical than the last one, but he's got his merits. I'd give him a taste...if he was interested, but, alas, 'tis not meant to be...least, not for me..."

Bret took in a deep breath through his nose and chose to try and forget everything that had just happened, eyes casting upwards, "Could probably fit through those windows...if I could get to them."

"Bret, we don't even know if they're closed - they could have bars or glass or, hell, they could have that same field the door does when its' open-"

"Doesn't matter," Bret said firmly, "We've got to get out of here."

Jack looked around, "Doesn't seem like there's much in the way of footholds..."

"You've got a, you know, big ol' don't - don't have anything you can use to get us out?"

Jack started searching his pockets, ", not much...mean, I've got something of a shovel, but digging out of here would take ages-"

"Maybe we could dig and use the piles of dirt to climb on, get closer to the windows-"

Jack's eyebrows rose, "Wow...well, aren't you clever?"

Bret looked at his shoes shyly, "Have my moments."

"That'd probably take a bit too long, though, maybe-" Jack's words trailed off as a suddenly overpowering beeping noise sounded.

Both he and Bret looked around in confusion, when they heard a muffled voice on the other side of the cell door, "Hey guys! You might want to take a step back from the doorway!"

"Who's that?" Bret asked and Jack rolled his eyes, "Oh, great. Just great...I told him not to use that Placement Cord-"

"That, wh-"

"Bret," Jack took his elbow, "Away from the door. Now!"

Jack huddled Bret against the far wall of the cell, using his body as a shield as the cell door exploded apart behind them. Bret cried out, clutching to Jack. Once the smoke cleared, Jack slowly extracted himself from Bret, winking, "Bret, you clinging to me...super turn on, but, told you...while I wish it could be me-"

"You two fellas all right?" the voice from earlier called out.

Bret coughed as dust swirled in the air. He waved a hand in front of him, waiting for his vision to clear. A man stood in the doorway. He had a wave of ginger hair, a smart little beard, and an overly bright look about him, "Good thing I came, eh, Jack? Really saved the day, right?!"

Jack groaned, rolling his eyes, "Told you, I don't want UNIT poking their noses in my-"

"Oh! It's not, UNIT! Just me!" the man said cheerily, holding a hand out, "Come on now! I saw a group of ruffians shove you in here and thought to myself, 'I'll just wait 'till they're gone, then, bammo! Blow the door apart!' I always carry some useful things on me for just this sort of thing, you know! Pencils, legal pads, dynamite-"

"Yeah, yeah," Jack waved him off, managing a tight smile, "You did good."

Bret reached near the now open pathway, " it...gone?"

"Yes, I imagine when he blew the door he blew apart whatever was keeping that shield in place," Jack said and, to prove it, he exited the damaged cell building. Bret followed after and, frowning, found his gaze wavering between Jack and his unknown rescuer, "So...a placement-cord-what's-it?"

"A Temporal Placement Cord," Jack explained, "It's an attachment to my new Time Vortex Manipulator. I have the Manipulator, another person, in this case our ginger friend here, has the Cord and, with the click of a button the Cord will draw you to the location of the Manipulator - they're like two magnets or, two separate puzzle pieces clicking together - I had an...altercation, with UNIT a while back and, to...settle affairs, I let them keep the Cord."

"Which is in my possession," the man said and he waved a strange, watch looking device in front of Bret, "I had a feeling this morning, right in my belly guts, and you know what it said to me?"

Bret dutifully shook his head while Jack rolled his eyes again.

The man grinned, and he pointed at Bret, "Oh, I like you! Finally! Someone who listens! Anyway, right, my belly guts! So, they said to me, 'Brigadier,' that's what they call me, you know, but anyways, it said to me, 'Brigadier, you better use that Cord and help your ol' pal Captain Jack out! He's in a spot of it!' And sure enough, what do you know! Belly guts, right as rain!"

Jack's palm went to his face, "Murray-"

"That's Brigadier, Jack! Brigadier Murray Hewitt!"

"Murray," Jack returned, voice as level as possible, "I appreciate the save. Really, I do, but Bret and I are in the midst of some serious danger here and we don't really have time for-"

"I'm not a baby, Jack, I don't need," Murray struggled for the words, failing, "Babying! I can help! Really I can! Just, you know, give me a shot at it!"

Jack looked pained but Bret nudged him gently, "Come on...he can't be all that bad..."

Jack took in a monumental breath and weighed his options. He couldn't just let the Doctor suffer at the hands of the Master - much less a Master that had turned out to be Taika of all people. And while 'Brigadier' Murray Hewitt was something of an embarrassment for UNIT, he had shown bravery and cunning in freeing them today. And they could certainly use all the help they could get.

Looking from Bret to Murray and back again, Jack deflated, "All right, all right. Let's...let's go do this thing."

"Oh! Terrific! Nothing like a 'saving the day' caper!" Murray crowed, clapping his hands, "I'll be sure to take notes!"

Bret now looked at Murray a bit worriedly, muttering under his breath to Jack, "Um...may've been wrong...'bout bringing him, he seems a bit-"

"It'll do," Jack hushed, "'Sides, worse comes to worse, maybe we can use him as a human shield or something."

Bret smirked at the idea and the trio set off.

fotc, doctor who, fotc: bret/jemaine, fan fiction

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