Aug 27, 2009 16:31
Sorry haven't been on LJ much - rl has been craaaaazy. I DID get promoted - so I am now a manager! (woot! money!) I start being the BIG boss next week...we'll see how that goes - writing has been damned near impossible too, thanks to a combo of rl and general, not-feeling-well-ness (thanks a LOT head cold >:( )
1) Post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/bands etc. that you've had an obsessive fannish love or interest in at some time in your life.
2) Have your f-list guess your favorite character/member from each item.
EDIT: ANSWERS! Thanks to those who guessed! ;-)
1. Flight of the Conchords - Jemaine
2. Big Bang Theory - Sheldon
3. How I Met Your Mother - Barney
4. Doctor Who - The Doctor (Tenth), followed closely by Rose and Donna
5. Hellboy - Liz
6. WWE (I know, I know...but hey, least I'm honest...I WAS a fan at one point) - Shawn Michaels
7. Underworld - Lucian
8. Nightmare on Elm Street - Freddy
9. The Ring - Samara
10. Green Lantern - Guy Gardner
11. Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Faith
12. Harry Potter - Luna Lovegood
13. Roswell - Michael
14. Smallville - Lex
15. Star Trek - Bones, followed closely by Spock/Data
16. CSI - Grissom, followed closely by Greg
17. Firefly - Mal
18. X-Men - Phoenix/Dark Phoenix/Jean Grey
19. Batman - Batgirl (Barbara Gordon)
20. Arrested Development - Gob
BONUS POINTS! : Lord of the Rings! - Samwise
...I could have put books, but I thought that'd be too it is, I imagine some of these'll be head stumpers...