Title: The Crossroads Conundrum
Part 3: Leonard
Author: she_burns1
Pairing: Sheldon/Penny, Leonard/Penny
Rating: PG-13
Word Count:1,108
Summary: Future!fic! Sheldon, Penny, and Leonard all thought they knew exactly what they wanted, but with a big change on the way, all three begin to question themselves, and each of them is lead in a direction
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Comments 29
Oh good. It's sucks for everyone, but I'm glad that Leonard feels that something is amiss in the relationship, too, that he could have more and be more with someone else.
Yes, I debated about the Leonard thing - I could have gone the ALL happy route, but I really wanted to explore the more classic idea of getting what you want and then realizing it's not really what you want at all.
The quote at the top really helped me with him, because I really think it captures how things would be if he were in a relationship with Penny.
I could go on about this more but, you know, I am going to later in the fic so, shhh for now!
Thanks again for reading! <3
I'm loving this so much, I really am. I love how you keep hinting at what happened two weeks ago - TELL US ALREADY!!
Can't wait for more!
See, that's my thing with Leonard, I think he's in love with an idea more than a person - gah! Can't say too much! Things to address in fic, yes?!
The laundry room story is very close to be told! And hopefully, when it is, it'll be a good 'un! Thanks for commenting! :D
I agree, we need a complete flashback soon!
I'm very much looking forward to more!
I love Leonard and I think he needs to date her, to see that his feelings were just lust (sorry couldn't think in another word), not love. Season 3 must show him this. I really like him and he need to try this otherwise he will be dreaming about her forever...
I'd like to see Leonard move on for her - I feel like so much of his character is tied up in her that I know little about him - if that makes sense...but I digress! Thanks for the comments! <3
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