The Agony and the Ecstasy Remix: Another Long Rant About Doctor Who, with a splash of Torchwood

Jul 12, 2009 12:04

I finished Doctor Who S1 through S4, so, naturally, MUST DISCUSS. I also started in on Torchwood S1 and have to talk a bit about that as well...

Doctor Who


Okay, so, first season first - I started here to get a handle on Rose (who I've been crazy interested in ever since I skimmed across an Office/Who crossover that compared her and Pam of all people), and, as said in a previous post, I wasn't sure I'd get all too attached to Christopher Eccelston as the Doctor because he's well...just kinda silly looking.

But, my shallow/vapidness was, naturally, wrong and he ROCKED.

He rocked so much I decided not only to keep watching, but to investigate Whodom as much as possible. In this way, I discovered all about regeneration and how he's the Ninth Doctor and while I wasn't so big on him and Rose romantically, I DID like him. He was so self assured and just...well...fantastic.

And Rose, how can you not fall in love with her in the episode where she tries to save her father? That episode had me so, so, so close to tears. It was just so sweet and so bitter and yet so poignant.

Then comes Captain Jack and oh yes! He is AMAZING. He really picked the show up a great deal - all lighthearted and heroic and just wonderful and there they were - Nine/Rose/Jack an OTP of friendship and awesome. A Three Musketeers if ever there was one.

But then the finale and the trouble and Rose looking into the heart of the Tardis and she becomes bad ass with the lights and the ability to disintegrate Daleks and bring Jack back to life and I'm just in complete awe/love because it's like my favorite comic story ever (X-Men: Phoenix Saga and no, no, nothing like how it was portrayed in the movie X-Men 3 but the real story the way it was in the comic book with aliens and awesomeness and NO Famke Janssen destroying my favorite comic character ever...)

But then the end - oh dear - the end. A lovely kiss between Nine/Rose that I actually kind of liked despite not shipping them but, hey, it comes at a price and Nine changes into Ten and I miss Nine more than I could have thought...but then this leads into...


And first episode in, Rose annoys me because how can she lose faith in the Doctor but it is understandable because he's not her Doctor.

At least not at first. But still, poor man is regenerating, give him a break. But then...he is taking an awful long time getting better, isn't he?! But then on the ship, the moment the Tardis starts working and starts translating and he throws open those doors, revealing himself...the Tenth Doctor...awake and rude and not ginger.


If David Tennant appeared right now and asked me to run away with him...oh dear god...*flails/fans self*

But moving on...he bursts out of the Tardis, all gob and skinny and amazing and saving the day and the end of that episode, the end with him and Rose and their awkward little interaction in the snow/ash is just breathlessly beautiful.



God, I love a well dressed man.

And it leads to my favorite episode out of all the episodes - 'New Earth' with the lying down in the apple grass watching flying cars go over head and CAT NUNS (I cannot express to you how awesome Cat Nuns are to me...I went on and on about it in our apartment to the point where I am sure my husband hates them...actually...wouldn't surprise me if he hates Doctor Who period considering how I wax on and on about it, but I digress...) and the Cassandra's back and she possesses Rose and:



Possibly one of the hottest kisses I have ever seen! *hands in hair*! and then she possesses the Doctor and hilarity ensues:

Cassandra (in the Doctor's body): Well... this is... different...
Rose: Cassandra?
Cassandra (in the Doctor's body): Goodness me, I'm a man. Yum. So many parts. And hardly used.
[starts jerking around]
Cassandra (in the Doctor's body): Ah, ah! Two hearts! Oh baby, I'm beating out a samba!
Rose: Get out of him!
Cassandra (in the Doctor's body): Ooh, he's slim... and a little bit foxy. You thought so too; I've been inside your head. You've been looking. You *like* it.



And everyone just did great acting in this episode.


Moving on!

They resolve Mickey, god bless them, in S2 and really, I hated him at first - hardcore - but he actually grew on me, and, frankly, I felt like he was the character that was developed the best out of all of them for some reason. AND K9! Lord, I want a K9, like, yesterday.

And then there's just those little bits, in and out, where they push forward Ten/Rose - those evil people leaving Rose in the street with no face, their awkward talk about getting a house together, Rose refusing to leave when Ten might be dead, Ten telling Ida to tell Rose '...oh, she knows', Ten telling the demon he believes in Rose, and the hand holding, the hugs, the glances...its all just too much.

Then comes 'Doomsday'.

Dalek Leader: The female's heart rate has increased!

Of course!

And, okay, Daleks and Cybermen trash talking each other is flippin' AMAZING, but, but...

Steph and the hubby both watched the last two episodes with me and made terrible, terrible jokes to try to stave off my crying because, I mean, jesus...

The Doctor: [the Doctor is transmitting his image from the TARDIS] Here you are, living a life day after day. The one adventure I can never have.
Rose Tyler: [crying] Am I ever going to see you again?
The Doctor: You can't.
Rose Tyler: What are you going to do?
The Doctor: I've got the TARDIS. Same old life. The last of the Time Lords.
Rose Tyler: On your own?
[the Doctor nods]
Rose Tyler: I... I... I love you.
The Doctor: Quite right, too. And I suppose... if this is the last chance I'll ever have to say it... Rose Tyler...
[he fades away before he can finish]

*sobs heavily*


[the Doctor walks around the console, inside the TARDIS. He looks up to see a woman in a bridal gown standing on the other side of the console]
The Doctor: [surprised] What?
The Bride: Ah!
The Doctor: What?
The Bride: Who are you?
The Doctor: Buh...
The Bride: Where am I?
The Doctor: What?
The Doctor: WHAT?
[Cue end credits]



Fantastic Christmas episode and this begins the pattern of the Doctor never having a good Christmas and his grief over Rose is palatable and heart-wrenching. I love how it sort of mirrored Donna's own heart-break and how she doesn't go with him yet, because he's frightening but how she tells him he needs someone.

Which leads us to Martha.

I took lye's advice and tried to come to S3 with an open-mind and not hate Martha.

And I don't hate Martha.

I don't hate S3.

But I am pretty indifferent on both things and, frankly, out of S1 - S4, it's my least favorite.

I think the main reason, for me, is that I felt S3 was sort of a cheap fascimile of S2. A lot of the episodes were similar (New Earth again, Daleks again, trapped on a doomed space ship again, etc) and this was probably done on purpose to sort of highlight Martha being a kind of 'rebound' girl and man, the Doctor was kind of harsh to her but then again maybe it is just because he didn't realize her feelings. And you can't blame her - after all, how can you not love Ten?

And my friend Steph hated the episode where he became human with a passion. I thought it was kind of sweet, his romance with the Nurse (Daisy Steiner - she gets to be around Simon Pegg on Spaced and David Tennant on Who - lucky lady!) and I didn't think him as annoying as Steph did as a human but, overall, was just kinda meh on the episode - save for the Rose reference and oh-my-god how much did I love the Rose mentions throughout the season? Those bits in the Shakespeare episode killed me.

But back a bit on point...

Martha also, on a personal note, reminded me physically of my friend Amy (similar facial features - the smile and such) and I just kept imagining Amy with Ten and was like - no way! But this is a personal grievance, which, again, I tried my best to ignore.

But things I liked about S3? The Shakespeare episode was excellent (loved the Harry Potter mentions) and the stone angels episode was properly creepy and JACK COMES BACK and his interactions with the Doctor are drop-dead funny:

Captain Jack Harkness: Captain Jack Harkness.
The Doctor: Stop it!
Captain Jack Harkness: Can't I say hello to anyone?
Chantho: Chan-I do not protest-tho.
Captain Jack Harkness: [winks] Maybe later, blue.

The Doctor: You might be out there somewhere.
Captain Jack Harkness: I can go meet myself.
The Doctor: Well, the only man you're ever going to be happy with.
Captain Jack Harkness: This new regeneration, it's kinda cheeky.

AND they're also plot-moving-forward-sweetness:

The Doctor: [about Rose] Everything she did was so human. She brought you back to life, but she couldn't control it. She brought you back forever. That's something, I suppose. The final act of the Time War was life.
Captain Jack Harkness: [working a power system panel] Do you think she could change me back?
The Doctor: I took the power out of her. She's gone, Jack. She's not just living on a parallel world. She's trapped there. The walls have closed.
Captain Jack Harkness: I'm sorry.
The Doctor: Yeah.
Captain Jack Harkness: I went back to her estate in the Nineties, just once or twice, watched her growing up. Never said hello, time lines and all that.
The Doctor: Do you want to die?
Captain Jack Harkness: [pulling on a power system panel] This one's a little stuck.
The Doctor: Jack.
Captain Jack Harkness: I thought I did. I don't know, but this lot, you see them out here surviving and that's fantastic.



He was a delightful bad guy.


My greatest shame was that there wasn't more of him and Ten just...well...talking.

Though, much as I love that finale, some parts of it just struck me as kind of silly. Like when the Master used that device to make the Doctor old and older until he was this weird CGI thing that looked like Gollum from LOTR. That was kind of hard for me to get behind...and the whole of the planet using psychic power, also not big on that - DID love him forgiving the Master though, for some reason, that non-violent approach seemed more of a mind-f*ck than if he had hit him or flown into a rage or whatever.

And then the Master died and I was sad because even though he was an evil bastard, I feel for Ten being all alone again and it would have been kind nifty to hear more about Gallifrey and what it means to be a Time Lord and such.

And then Martha leaves, saying she needs to 'get out' and frankly, I'm glad, glad, glad because she does need to move on and the guy she meets (and subsequently gets engaged to in S4) is pretty damning hot. And Martha, okay, she wasn't my favorite companion by far, but she had her moments and she deserves her happiness. So, bye bye S3

[the Doctor presses a button. There is an almighty crash as a steam powered ship collides with the Tardis]
The Doctor: [bewildered] What?
[coughs as dust settles]
The Doctor: What?
[picks up an old fashioned wooden lifebelt and turns it over to find the words: 'R.M.S. Titanic' printed on it]
The Doctor: [ominously] What?


and hello...


The Titanic episode was pretty good if not sort of dark as pretty much everyone kacks it and Astrid would have maybe made an okay companion and hey! Kylie Minogue! She played a character with my name in 'Street Fighter'! Woo hoo! But still, an overall average opening only to lead into:


Okay, okay, okay - can I just say how much I love Donna?!

Like, absolutely adore.

Because of her, S4 is the best I've seen since S1 and S2 because she's just such a breath of fresh air. She has no romantic interest in the Doctor - in fact, she fights with him. A lot. Their interactions are like best friends/brother-sister and I just want to hug them.

And when they first see each other again?! Hilarious! And she has changed her mind about coming with him - she packed for god's sake! Hats for Hat World ANNNND:

The Doctor: The last time, with Martha, it got complicated. And that was all my fault. I just want a mate.
Donna Noble: You just want to *mate*?
The Doctor: I just want *a* mate!
Donna Noble: You're not matin' with me Sunshine!
The Doctor: A mate! I want *a* mate!
Donna Noble: Well, just as well, because I'm not having any of that nonsense! I mean, you're just a long streak of nothing, y'know, alien nothing!


The pompeii episode? LOVED IT! And not only because David Tennant looks particularly yummy in this episode but:

Donna Noble: What time does Vesuvius erupt? When's it due?
The Doctor: It's 79 A.D. 23rd of August; which makes Volcano day-tomorrow.
Donna Noble: Plenty of time. We can get everyone out, easy.
The Doctor: Yeah, except we're not going to.
Donna Noble: But that's what you do. You're the Doctor. You save people.
The Doctor: Not this time. Pompeii is a fixed point in history. What happens, happens. There's no stopping it.
Donna Noble: Says who?
The Doctor: Says me.
Donna Noble: What, and you're in charge?
The Doctor: TARDIS, Time Lord-yeah!
Donna Noble: Donna, Human-no! I don't need your permission. I'll tell them myself.

You tell 'im, Donna! And it's like that through out S4 - just great, great, GREAT banter every episode and Rose keeps showing up, teasing me with her...teasingness - and 'The Doctor's Daughter' was an amazing episode, I adored Jenny and was so glad she lived, even if the Doctor didn't know it and it told us a lot about him in this episode. God, his holding a gun on that guy was weird and he's the man who 'never would' and this season has, probably, my second favorite episode ever, in 'The Unicorn and the Wasp' and oh my god, best moment ever:

[the Doctor runs to the kitchen. Agatha and Donna follow]
The Doctor: [grabs Davenport] Ginger beer!
Davenport: I beg your pardon?
The Doctor: I need ginger beer!
Mrs. Hart: The gentleman's gone mad!
[the Doctor grabs the ginger beer from the shelf, drinks some of it, and pours the rest over his head]
Agatha Christie: I'm an expert in poisons! Doctor! There's no cure! It's fatal!
[the Doctor spits out the ginger beer]
The Doctor: Not for me! I can stimulate the inhibited enzymes into reversal! Protein! I need protein!
[the Doctor breathes heavily while Donna runs to the counter]
Donna Noble: Walnuts!
The Doctor: Brilliant!
[the Doctor upends the walnut jar and chews furiously]
[the Doctor makes muffled noises while making a shaking motion]
Donna Noble: I can't understand you! How many words?
[the Doctor holds up one finger]
Donna Noble: One! One word! Shake, milk-shake, milk! Milk! No? Not milk! Um, shake, shake, shake! Cocktail shake! What, d'you want a Harvey Wallbanger?
The Doctor: Harvey Wallbanger?!
Donna Noble: Well, I don't know!
The Doctor: How is Harvey Wallbanger one word?!
Agatha Christie: What do you need Doctor?
The Doctor: Salt! I was miming salt! I need salt! I need something salty!
[Donna grabs a bag from the counter]
Donna Noble: What about this?
The Doctor: What is it?
Donna Noble: Salt!
The Doctor: That's too salty!
Donna Noble: Oh, that's too salty!
Agatha Christie: What about this?
[Agatha hands the Doctor a jar and he upends it, eating the food]
Donna Noble: What's that?
Agatha Christie: Anchovies.
Donna Noble: [to the Doctor] What is it? What else?
[the Doctor jolts his hands out, miming a shock]
Donna Noble: Um, it's a song! Meh-meh? Um, I don't know! 'Camptown Races'?
The Doctor: 'Camptown Races'?
Donna Noble: Well! All right, then! 'Towering Inferno'!
The Doctor: It's a shock! Look, shock!
[he mimes again]
The Doctor: I need a shock!
Donna Noble: Right, then. Big shock. Coming up.
[Donna grabs the Doctor and plants a full-frontal kiss on him. The Doctor staggers away, lifts his face up to the ceiling and releases a cloud of poisons from his body]
The Doctor: [gasps] Detox. Oh! I must do that more often.
[looks at Donna apprehensively]
The Doctor: I mean, the, the detox.
Agatha Christie: Doctor. You are... impossible!
[the Doctor winks]
Agatha Christie: Who are you?


I don't ship Ten/Donna but got pretty close right there because it was just that good.

Then we get into the library episodes, the only episodes of S4 I don't like and, okay, can't help it, do NOT like River Song one iota. I don't necessarily mind the future companion thing, but 'River Song'?! That name just drives me batty and the girl playing her was 'meh' to me and he told her his real name?! Really?! I just don't get it. But oh well, *shrugs*. There is always at least one episode, from S1 to S4, where I just don't really like the episode. So that's the one from S4.

And then we get to the dramatic and crazy END, the last 2 episodes of S4 are mind blowingly awesome and full of so, so, so many amazing moments (not in any order):

*Donna meeting Jack
*Martha finally seeing Rose
*Jackie holding a gun and blowing up a Dalek
*Jack hugging Mickey and hitting on him
*Jack hitting on pretty much everyone.
*Sarah Jane
*Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister!
*Dalek Caan's crazy rambles
*Rose: D'ya like my gun? - yes, and it's a BIG honking gun!
*Donna, Jack, Mickey, Jackie, Sarah Jane, Martha, Rose, two Ten's all in the Tardis, all in the same place at the same time!
*When the Doctor first sees Rose and runs to her - the RUN it KILLS me!
*The hand!
*The Doctor!Donna
*Ten II or Doctor 10.5 or the clone Doctor or alt!Ten, or whatever you want to call him!
*Daleks speaking German
*Doctor 10.5's interactions with Donna


Davros: The man who abhors violence, but this is the truth: you take ordinary people and fashion them into weapons... How many have died in your name? The Doctor, the man who keeps on running, never looking back because he dare not, out of shame. This is my final victory, Doctor. I have shown you yourself.

Um, awesome, much?! But then we get into the meat of the end end! Which, really, this whole rant has been building up to...

Poor, poor Donna!

I can't tell you how much I hate what happened to her. The way it ended for her.

And I'm just completely torn over everything involving Doctor 10.5, because yes, he killed all the Daleks (genocide, much?) but then again, how were they supposed to stop the Daleks?! And Rose did pretty much the same thing at the end of S1. And Ten himself also did something similar to the Raconess in the opening of S3. But still, it's so weird to see such an angry Doctor and maybe this comes from being part human?

Ten said that Doctor 10.5 is how he was when Rose first met him, but how does that make sense when Doctor 10.5 would, essentially, have all of Ten's memories up to the point right before Ten almost regenerated? That wouldn't really make them all the same - would it? And isn't that what I'm supposed to think when Rose gets with 10.5 - that she's really with the Doctor it's just a human one?

Which brings to mind, if Doctor 10.5 is part human, part Time Lord and Donna (in a way) is also part human, part Time Lord, why does Donna's mind almost burn out but NOT his?

And Rose - will she be happy with Doctor 10.5? Or will it just feel like she's with a carbon copy?!

And 10.5 - what will he do without a sonic screwdriver, the Tardis and so forth?!

And then regular Ten, he's just alone now?!


I mean, I adored the hot, hot, hot kiss on the beach between Rose and 10.5 but then she pulled away at the last minute as the Tardis leaves and I wonder, will she be happy?

Then again, her using the dimensional cannon couldn't have been a safe or wise thing to do when you think about it and it's really not all that cool that she was willing to give up Jackie, Pete, and even Tony just to go back to the Tardis and the Doctor, because, let's face it, if she had, she would have never seen them again. Not to mention they would have still faced the same old problems of the danger and her possible dying or just growing old and him not but...still....her with 10.5, will it work?!

I have read many a fan fiction to try and reconcile my feelings on this.

And then DONNA! D:

I just hate that her story is over.

And the Doctor. ALONE.

I don't know...the end of it all was just...sort of...left me feeling...mixed.

I guess I just want your thoughts, guys. That's all! Just need to know what you think.



Okay, so I'm not finished with S1 of Torchwood yet - but, I don't know - kind of 'meh' on it.

I love Captain Jack (and his kiss with Ianto in 'Cyberwoman' = hotness!!) but past him I don't know if I really like anyone.

I sort of identified with Gwen (she's dating the British equivalent of my husband in Rhys) until the last episode I saw, where she started sleeping with Owen. And yes, her and Owen have amazing chemistry but still - poor Rhys!

And the show is all the much darker - I know it's supposed to be an adult!Who, in essence, but there's just no light-heartedness anywhere so far and I like a little levity. Makes things a bit more bearable to me. But then maybe that's the point? Is it supposed to be relentlessly dark?! Also, it is all kinds of Melrose Place - everyone sleeps with everybody and everything - I mean, well...damn. LOL.

I don't know - I'll probably keep watching it, but I just wanted your guys thoughts.

WARNING!! LONGEST ENTRY EVER!!!! Full of quotes and just on and on...ness...

rose, donna noble, doctor who, ten, torchwood, doctor 10.5, ten/rose

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