So, I demand you terrific lot tell me about terribly obnoxious/addicting websites that I need to add to my repertoire of daily browsing. Sites that further help with organization, have me wistfully window shopping for eons (i.e. Etsy), falling in love with adorable art or granting me wit, humor and sarcasm I may chuckle at (blogs included) are all pluses. I'll adore you forever. and ever. and ever. *nodnods*
Current sites that should have their addresses tattooed into my hip (with descriptions stolen from Wikipedia <3):
Random loves:
Etsy: a website which focuses primarily on providing the general public with a way to buy and sell handmade items. Many have compared the site to a wide open craft fair-- Fark: a community website that allows users to comment on a daily batch of news articles and other items from various websites, addicting and hilarious-- Post Secret: an ongoing community art project in which people mail their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard-- Kingdom of Loathing: a humorous, browser-based, multiplayer role playing game (/LOVE)-- Icanhascheezburger: lolcats! stupidly humourous pictures of cats with sayings that can easily hook you, basically-- Webomic loves:
A Softer World: published in more of a zine form and some of 'em get ya thinkin'-- Natalie Dee: daily awesomeness.. this woman is random and madly quirky -- Dinosaur Comics: i've fallen in love with this silly comic.. it uses the same artwork every single day, but changes the dialogue. many hearts for it's wit-- Diesel Sweeities: can you go wrong with Robot love? i didn't think so! -- Darklegacy Comics: to calm the WoW geek in me-- Artsy/wordy:
Neil Gaiman's Blog: /swoon-- Exploding Dog: been a fan /forever/.. greatness-- Kurt Halsey: terribly cute artwork (and terribly copywrited to the max)-- Pon and Zi: ADORABLE in every which way-- Velvet and Rust: Beautiful.-- suggest more to me! please? pretty please? I need more ways to be a slacker when I should be doing homework.. :O