Sep 27, 2006 18:49
Does anyone else find this nonsense as sickening as I do!?
Liberal media has sunk to a new low with this. There's only so much a sensible person can stand but this is just wrong. Communist, communist bastards all of them.
A few days ago the NIE report was "leaked" to liberal medias. Now we all know that happens what with SPIES! everywhere trying to harm America. Now please understand when I say this I hold no political view, Democrat Republic, both should be outraged and ashamed at the media! I vent now because I only see disaster coming from these Washington Slimes, New York Slimes, and LA compost. When reports like on Fox New release "HOW AMERICA IS VULNERABLE!" reports that LIST, i repeat LIST, our weaknesses over TELEVISION. What good is coming from that? I'll tell you what good. GOOD FOR THE TERRORIST! I saw one CBSNBC whatever garbage talk to airport officials and SHOW how to make weapons out of basic items you can purchase, note that this is AFTER you get out of the security areas, from a consession stand walk into a bathroom and make. Is there any sort of intellegence here? The answer is simply no...and it's disgusting!
Im pulling away from the real problem now though
The fact that SPIES are leaking our information to the media to overhype is a serious problem. It doesnt help that democracts are freaking out about it either. The fact that the media only got PARTS! I repeat PARTS of this report and molded their sickening lies around these half truths is disturbing. Who's side are they really on? it sounds like their backing the terrorist. It's one thing to not support this war thats freedom of choice, your american right, but to hinder the war effort through sabatoge, sandler, whatever should still be treason!
I wasnt able to find the entire report so bere with me
things like..."Should the war in Iraq fail, terrorist activity will increase and spread throughout the entire world"
Hmmm yeah at first glance that would sound bad but guess what...THEY LEFT OUT THE REST OF THAT REPORT because "; but if the war in Iraq is successful then the number of new terrorist and terrorist recruitment will be greatly reduced" Why would the media not want that shown? I thought slander was illegal? What's to gain from these lies? Is further dividing our nation going to make us stronger? I love how this war has turned everyone away from the real problem. TERRORIST PEOPLE! COMMON! and instead has pitted us against one another through political parties and dirty tricks! People over look the fact that Saddam didnt have weapons of mass destruction, BUT he was genociding his OWN people with chemical weapons. Last time i checked Genocide and Chemical weapons were BANNED by the U.N. but no thats not a problem. Bush telling a lie to stop this monster is a problem. Guess what, Clinton lied about something worse. Clinton's lie destroyed his character, that example of what a president SHOULD be. Clinton could have prevented 9/11 could have removed Bin Ladden, who IS now dead btw ^-^, years ago but didnt. He stopped short of destroying the place where he was. And what about the millenium report? Dont know what that is? Probably not, it condemed Clinton if you believe this media bullshit about the NIE report. But it just so happened to have disappeared. Hmmm odd? Even after that he let Bin Ladden run free. Our nations debt. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Its war. War costs money its a fact of life. things become expensive but after the war our economy skyrockets, example GAS PRICES!!!! Clinton lowered our debt, big whoop he also SLASHED funds for the military setting our soldiers now at a big disadvantage without KEVLAR, y'know the stuff that STOPS bullets, and armor plating for basic battle vehicles.
All I ask is that you DO NOT believe this liberal media bullshit without knowing all of the truth. Know the entire report before jumping to conclusions.
And if they dont release the entire report, have some common sense in understanding. It's a classified report. Classified meaning ITS SUPPOSED TO BE A SECRET!!! Its not public because it gives away contacts, spy tactics, NAMES. Liberal media is handing all of our vital spots and information to these terrorists. Dont stand for it america!
Bush has done something that I actually respect him more for.
He called a meeting with the democracts, who were up in arms about the lies they were spoon fed, and the republicans, outraged about the leak, and told them ALL that such acts will not be tolerated. It's cowardly and low. These leakers have sunk themselves lower than the terrorists.
It's sickening
If you actually agree with these Benedicts. I feel sorry for you and I fear for the future of our nation