Dec 11, 2003 04:55
Yesterday I went to the Boston area. Then I met up with Renee and we did some shopping, or rather she did some shopping. She bought her family a bunch of Christmas gifts for her family. Then we went to see The Last Samurai. I thought the movie was pretty good. Oh and we saw Mike there as well doing his interview for the Theater. We said hi and stuff. Then after the Renee and I played some Yu-gi-oh. Ah I killed her and then she died from it. Well through out the entire day she kept refining her deck, which I assumed was the purpose of playing me. And back at my house we played some more until I had to drive her home.
Now today. Around eight o'clock I picked up Renee and then I picked Adam up. Afterwards we went to the South Shore Plaza because I couldn't think of anything else to do. We had some food at McDonald's. Went to K•B Toys and all we did was look around the place for a short while. We saw the guy from Halloween, again we said hi and stuff. Afterwards we headed to my house where the dueling between Renee and I continued. Adam was on the computer watching us a little and doing the computer thing. I had a mission to make Adam play some Yu-gi-oh. Anyways I played a game with him and unfortunately he didn't get the hang of it fast enough and Pegasus' deck was not a good starting deck. But I only got to play that one game with him, maybe he'll get used to it more next time. Oh and all that refining really did help Renee's deck, because she beat me today. Anyways I drive Renee home then Adam and I chilled back at my house for awhile. Only after I went to CVS of course where I got Adam to buy Joey's starter deck. Well while at my house we burned the rest of desktop pictures for Adam, and let him play a little of True Crime, and show him the bonus movie and one of the endings, it was quite a funny one too. After keeping him up way pass (what I assume) was his target time I drove him home too.
All in all I had fun.