I'd better update and sleep tonight

Aug 16, 2003 03:22

So on Thursday I was playing WarCraft 3 and that was fun, then I went out with Mike, Renee, and Anna. What fun! Since Mike is so detailed I'll the steal random entries from his journal, here we go!

"ury comics to pick myself up some blue dye since I can't find my other one anywhere. Then walked to Porter Sq and got some japanese food there. I got udon noddles with shirmp tempora. T"; "nna whatever drink that was. It was green but I dunno whats it called ^^; After that we tried to got"; "to take my belt off ^_~ with Anna its the jacket. I don't strip in public ^^;; Afterwards we headed down to Krispy Kreams bought people donuts and just chilled for awhile. When we walked outside I got attacked by mosquitos which isn't fun. Apparently we got Paul's belt off and he got it "; "s BB gun. Paul called up KFC and asked if they delivered since we had a craving for popcorn "; "lace cause it was really hot... Geez I wonder if that sounds right... We tried to baracade rhi_chan i"; "e its like 2am we made some shortcuts ~.~ and ignored all the laws. Then on the way to my house they pretty much blocked off most of the lanes on the highway. Lucky for no traffic ^^ I g"; and my favorite "=P"

Well now my version... We met up at the Harvard Square station then proceeded to Tokyo Kid and then I bought a bunch of nothing, but Mike went to Newbury Comics and bought some blue hair dye. Then we headed to Porter Square and had food. I had some shrimp thing with rice, I didn't want it then but I kinda want it now! When we chilled in front of Porter station for awhile. And we tickled Mike to death, oh wait that was me... but Anna did find Mike's weak point! Then we went to Krispy Kreme, Mike bought us doughnuts and I took another Krispy Kreme hat thing! When Renee and Mike went back to my house and Anna went home. We hung out at my house for a little while and I attempted to get some KFC but they were closed :(... Well anyways Mike's pants came off thanks to Renee's mad skills. I helped, I bet I wore him out with "... okay now take off your belt." Any how I drove them back home with only one wrong turn and broke two traffic laws. It was a fun day.

Friday, I woke up got my pay check, and went to Adam's house to hook up with Jason for the BB skrimmage. No go, people can't make it. So- I just hung out at their house for a long time. Their mom brought us food, me happy. Then we waited for Adam to come home and him, Kevin and I went back to my house to chill for a little while. And then the other Kevin came over (yea you're the other Kevin, Sig, hehe.) We did stuff and every body left around twelve or something.
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