«Eurasian culture. Management culture. Production culture», Part 3

May 23, 2014 09:19

«Big Secrets of Big Boss», BSBB ™
"Eurasian system of management and business improvement.
28 practical techniques of evolutionary transformation of the enterprises '

BSBB 1.1.: Method of minimizing costs.
Humanity is growing in an exponential progression, and this process cannot be stopped or slowed down by the economic and political levers of power. But even war with a modern nuclear arsenal is not a problem solution, but a matter of disappearance of mankind as a species in the world. Therefore all the new millennium will be held under the slogan "minimize costs" throughout the human trinity. By the way, that opens up a unique segment of a successful business - a tip for businessmen!
"Easier. Faster. Finer. Cheaper. Larger. Wider. More globally" - these are the basic concepts of a successful enterprise. Timeless method eventually overgrown with individual details and nuances of specific production
BSBB 1.2.: Method of continuous transformations.
The aggressive nature of human existence is the guarantor of improvements and changes. However  in business it's impossible to organize business enterprises solely on the basis of "brilliant insights" due to the fact that humanity is not able to control the mental and creative processes of the brain. That's why system provided by BSBB 1.2 is required as a system of demand for innovations and improvements at all levels of the company hierarchy.
This method indirectly determines the essential qualities of employees such as loyalty, discipline, diligence, initiative. The traits modern enterprise cannot function without.
BSBB 1.3.: Processes optimization method.
All enterprises are similar by 70-80% faced with typical issues. However individual differences depending on staffing account for the remaining 20-30% and constitute a unique and inimitable sample for mass copying. Optimum to achieve is a point of equilibrium between the ever-increasing cost of production and technologies being constantly improved. Calculations are carried out, all kinds of unproductive operations are eliminated in industrial sites as well as in administrative and support services. Career logic is formed, a system of knowledge, experience, technical innovations exchange is built, learning and creativity are encouraged.
BSBB 1.4.: Initiative groups organization method.
An individual personality appeared at the dawn of a new era, they call for a new modern teaching and management approaches. The question in the 21st century is formulated this way: who is in greater demand, a job for people or workers for job? This method starts with the definition of the head of the initiative group who subsequently gaining command independently and under his responsibility and working with the personnel. This method becoming traditional in the enterprise causes the aspiration for career growth and also provides groups initialization and competitive nature of the relationship in companies that serve as the basis of its prosperity in the competition.


1.       Alexander Zinoviev. West. Moscow: ZAO Publ Tsentrpoligraf , 2000.ISBN 5-227-00736-5 http://www.zinoviev.ru/ru/zinoviev-magazine.html
2.       Dimitry Laletin. Cultural studies: a tutorial. Voronezh: SGMP , 2008.ISBN 978-5-88519-353-5 http://www.gumer.info/bibliotek_Buks/Culture/lalet/index.php
3.       Ivan Ilyin. What is a state, a corporation or an institution? http://iljinru.tsygankov.ru/works/book0203.html
4.       Iwao Kobayashi. 20 Keys to Workplace Improvement Moscow: RIA " Standards and Quality ", 2006.ISBN 5-94938-041 -X
5.       Lee Iacocca. An Autobiography. Moscow: Potpourri . 2011.ISBN 978-985-15-1227-6 http://tululu.org/b55/
6.       Mikhail Shchelkonogov. Hints of millions of people. St. Petersburg: SWAI, 2011. ISBN 978-5-904238-08-7 www.ozon.ru
7.       Mikhail Shchelkonogov. Small Secrets of Big Business. St. Petersburg: SWAI. 2010 .ISBN 78-5904238-03-2 www.ozon.ru
8.       Mikhail Shchelkonogov. Solid YES Principle. St. Petersburg: SWAI. 2012 . ISBN 78-5-904238-09-4 www.ozon.ru
9.       Mikhail Shchelkonogov. The Law of Love. St. Petersburg: SWAI. 2010. ISBN 978-5-904238-06-3 www.ozon.ru
10.    Mikhail Shchelkonogov. Two worlds - one reality. Absolute. St. Petersburg: SWAI, 2010.ISBN 978-5-904238-01-8 http://www.plati.ru/asp/pay.asp?id_d=881535
11.    Nikolai Berdyaev. The Philosophy of Inequality. Moscow: AST . 2006.ISBN: 5-9713-2765-8 http://royallib.ru/book/berdyaev_nikolay/filosofiya_neravenstva.html
12.    Wassily Leontief http://www.leontief-centre.ru/content2


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