«Eurasian culture. Management culture. Production culture», Part 1

May 23, 2014 09:10

International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) International Conference, Moscow, 25-26 September 2014

Paper on session: Open, distance and e-learning as a field for cooperation at international, regional, interregional, national, local and institutional levels

«Eurasian culture. Management culture. Production culture»
Author: Mikhail Shchelkonogov, academician, president of the private educational institutions of further education  «Sun Way Academy Int.» (SWAI), Russian Federation, 3472484@gmail.com
"It’s necessary to restore order in the country in the near future." - Vladimir Putin
"Who directs clarity, rules the world." - Mikhail Shchelkonogov

The reality is sweepingly changing, becoming less similar to the idea of it. Establishing of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAU) is forcing events. It's time to formulate a new Eurasian techniques of culture and practice of management. Globalization of the economy, Russia's accession to the WTO, the creation of the EAU, enterprise modernization, innovative activities, bringing order to the economy and social sphere are the urgent demands of time. The latest knowledge about the nature of things, about the prospects for the development of society and the future of humanity are needed.
Reducing costs and improving business profitability, reduction of corporate loan will create opportunities for increased investment and economic growth of EAU enterprises on a sound basis, which would be a positive scenario.

Key concepts: Freedom. Choice. Independence. Consent. Consciousness. Cooperation.
Must be noted immediately that any large-scale planning is idealism of the first water, no matter what material and administrative resources may be involved. Practice of the further development of the enterprise is materialism, which contains all the possible costs, at least because of the pervasive influence of the human factor. Such a factor, however, in our case it is possible to take into account and control by understanding the phases of development processes and the specific behavioral responses of the control object - person. Which, nevertheless, in this case to account for and control with understanding the phases of development processes and the specific behavioral responses of the control object - person. In these arguments on management author's position is based on four main theses:
- People are projects with their mission, goals, objectives, methods, functions, resources, development phases, etc. (all required attributes of project activity), which are managed by their consciousness;
- The organization is a project that brings together a certain number of workers , necessarily submitting to the Management Directorate;
- The organization is a human-like organism that obeys the universal laws of nature;
- The effectiveness of the project activity is directly proportional to the effectiveness of management, which must necessarily be as conscious as possible on the physical plane, and in the metaphysical, from the stage of inception of the idea. Differences between individuals and between projects and organizations are provided by individual characteristics of each unit and their combination, including the scope of the project, the initial energy-informational resources, objectives, remits and impacts, implementation and vital activity methods, etc.
Shchelkonogov’s Law states that the basis of all phenomenon of Being is Energy. When free energy ( E), liberated or released, performs work over Time (T), i.e. shows its potential (A), then the old order, being quite satisfactory so far, is crumbling and Chaos (S) comes , i.e.  a new Order is formed. All of these processes produce various kinds of creative and managerial stress , as well as human emotions , sometimes very strong ones, since the project participants do not know, do not understand and are not accustomed to the result of their efforts. Clearly, the amount of energy (resources) or time (scope) spent on the project is directly proportional to the impact on the surrounding world and, consequently, also directly proportional are associated benefits or harm. Let us consider in more detail each of the seven phases of the project development and describe the features of each stage in terms of four grades.

E - energy-informational
T - temporary, procedural
A - scale of interaction of fields and actors involved in process
S - scoring

Phase 1
Inception of the idea

Phase 2

Phase 3
Mutual reflections

Phase 4
Mutual determination

Phase 5

Phase 6
Mutual formation

Phase 7
Mutual advocacy

It is quite obvious that any social revolution is qualitative winning of dominant position by some idea which has not passed the test of time on the truth of its quality and relevance. Evolution, on the contrary, such as the creation of the EAU, it's way of more stable long-term development of social ideas in relation to human life. In the evolutionary development of any idea passes test of time: whether the essence and meaning of the idea, as well as its further development from generation to generation is transmitted? It is important to remember that our activities, based on the work and the results of previous, are preparing a foothold for our descendants. Succession of generations is the guarantee of a happy successful future of the EAU, its evolutionary development that concerns the whole of humanity as a whole.


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