Best evar.

Sep 14, 2007 12:30

I'm back! Okay so I'm really busy this semester, and a lot of stuff hasn't even started yet. (cello lessons, all three of my jobs, still have yet to begin. Crap.)

I decided to be awesome this year and not sit in my room all the time being boring, so today I am going to go with a friend to the Geology Barbeque. Yeah...apparently it's annual and really rockin' because all the geology profs are there, even though it's in a weird house in the corner of nowhere behind a dumpster off campus. Hopefully there will be hot dogs. And probably rocks.

You know what sucks SO MUCH? All my film from New York summer '07 got destroyed in the x-ray on my way to Michigan because I forgot to take the film canisters out of my purse. I was so sad when I found out, especially since I was going to decorate my room with those shots. I was going to break into the Haverford dark room with a friend and we were going to do some secret print development and stuff. Dodging and burning under cover of night! Sounds so exciting. I was really looking forward to that.

Also, I'm sitting fourth stand in orchestra this semester. In order to sit first or second seat you have to audition, and the stupid secretary forgot to unlock the building every single time I went over to sign up, so I ended up not auditioning and Heidi said that she would put me fourth stand so that I could carry the middle. I actually like sitting in the middle of orchestra sections, and I'm really not trying to be cocky or anything, but I'm really worried for when my parents come for parents mom is going to be so mad. I really don't care too much about where I sit, as long as I can see the conductor, and while I have enough ambition to want to sit in the front it still doesn't seem like the most important thing to me. My mom doesn't see it that way, and she's going to be really disappointed in me. Blarrrgh!

In other news, I went to Ikea and purchased some awesomeness for my room. Sarah Lindberg helped me "nest" a little bit and it is now improved 100 fold. I got one of those rugs that you have when you're a know the ones with little roads and towns and on them? That's my rug. I got it from the kids section, and it's the best thing ever. Evar.
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