Oct 08, 2009 04:46

So I'm thinking of taking a road trip to FL in the next month or so. Anyone along the way wanna get a beer or maybe let me use their shower considering i'll be using my car as my hotel room ;)

I'm going alone cause I doubt Steph can get the time off of work.

My main goal is to go to my grandfathers to see him considering that him and I haven't talked face to face for over 10 years. and have talked once on the phone since then. So theres no better time than now to go down there cause I still got's no job. I figure it'll cost me like $400 R/T in gas. I might stop a few times on the way down so i figure it'll take me 2 or 3 days.

It'll be good for me to just get away from here for a few days.
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