New Vid - "Mother Mother" - GH/Elizabeth

Feb 14, 2008 14:29

New vid time!

Title: "Mother Mother"
Music: "Mother Mother" by Tracy Bonham
Fandom: "General Hospital"
Length: 3:10

HQ (ish)* avi (48.1 mbs)**
Medium quality wmv (18.7 mbs)
Low quality wmv ( 10.1 mbs)

Stream on imeem

Nutshell: Character vid for GH's Elizabeth Webber, supposing a one-sided dialogue with her absent mother.

* HQ only because it's the best I can do, considering a). I've never figured out the finer details of encoding, and how to make it work for me and b). some of the source quality is so craptacular, there's nothing I can do about it anyway.

**If you are unable to view the avi, try downloading and installing the free Divx codec.

The idea for this vid was born long ago out of sheer frustration of knowing nothing about the mother of one of my favorite characters.  While other characters on the show were afforded backstory after backstory and parades of people to support them, Elizabeth's mother, in ten years, have never been so much as given a name.  It evolved into a conversation between Elizabeth and an answering machine about the state of her life.

At the age of fourteen (approx.), Elizabeth's parents, both doctors, left her with some family friends (with whom she did not get along), and went to Europe.  Before long, Liz left this family and traveled by herself to Port Charles, NY, to her grandmother, Audrey, and her slightly older sister, Sarah.  In the ten years (ten real years, probably a little more in soap-time, as Elizabeth is meant to be in her late 20s by now) that have followed, her parents have never once come back to her.  In this time, Elizabeth has been raped, kidnapped, poisoned, drugged, hit by a car, pushed down stairs, held at gun or knife point numerous times, been in several car accidents and had various other medical conditions, some of which have seriously threatened her life.  She has faced the death of her first love, married and divorced two men, had two sons and two miscarriages.  Though she spent her later teen years being raised by her always well-meaning grandmother, communication and personality differences kept Liz at a distance.  The only person she's ever completely trusted and relied upon (and yes, this is just my interpretation, but there you go) was her first love, Lucky (who died, and was later reborn with a new actor and a completely new personality), and through this connection, she also learned to lean upon Lucky's family, most notably his aunt Bobbie, but also his mother, Laura, and his father, Luke, with whom she had an unusual relationship best summed up by the line, "He's nice to me and he scares me."  When Lucky died, these connections slowly faded, and as she grew up, Elizabeth leaned less and less on other people for anything substantial, and this lack of a trusted support system affected the way she approached and viewed her relationships, and her decision making process in general.

This is my attempt to work through these ideas, through a personality of a girl who never forgot that, to her parents, the lives and well-being of others would always come first.

Major thanks to Arie for being my beta, and doing some spectacular last minute saving of my ass with some high quality clips.

Comments are love - I would prefer them here, rather than on imeem or youtube, but really...comments are love. :)

vidding, gh

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