Oct 26, 2004 18:08
1. Tell me one thing you love about me.
2. Tell me two things you love about yourself.I mean it. No self-deprecation allowed!
3. Look through the comments ~ when you see someone you know, tell them three things you love about them.
4. Do this in your journal so I can tell you what I love about YOU
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2. yeah definatly the sarcasm, its a "must-have" in my book. And another would probably be that im just sooooo amazing in scince ;) yeah fucking genious lady, thats right, you heard me, FUCKING AMAZING.
3. yeah props for eric's musical selections, dave mathews rocks the sox! speaking of which, THE RED SOX ROCK MY SOX BABY!!
4. Yeah i hate to be trendy, so im just gonna obstain from this one.
hey i said i was amazing at science, not spelling....
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