Mar 15, 2001 23:06
Well tonight was good and bad talked to Adam for a long time which was good but chatted to a friend also who I think is flirting with danger and I'm not sure how to talk to her about it. Lord give the right words and the write time to speak to her. Lord it is so easy just to look the other way for a second and satan tries to make you trip over. I dont know why it surprises me all the time ... how easy it is to fall... Lord we are just playing church oh! that we get real there is a lost and dying world out there Lord forgive me for my sins for my selfish ways for not being there always for my kids Lord how I pray for Troy and Laura that they will call out to you and that you will rescue them from the pit that they dont even know satan has lured them into. Lord may I make prayer a priority instead of whether the house is clean etc Lord you know in this crazy house it is often hard to find the time but I have got to make it my priority before its too late. Lord what will my life stand for when I die. Will I make a difference? I must! Its not a choice Help me to continually seek you and your kingdom and not search afther the things of this world which are shallow and meaningless Lord I love you Goodnight