It's a sunny spot to get stranded in...

Aug 09, 2007 10:08

Morning folks and welcome to this random entry into the life and times of my car, the shiny demon chariot.

I was having quite a pleasent morning today. I awoke if not more awake, at least less tired, than I've done all week. I was organised and already had lunch ready and I got everything together for what was going to be a pleasent romp in the countryside before work at 10.

choccoweeble has been looking after a friend's horse (Bessie) every morning this week and I decided to join her armed with a camera and my little visitor, Artie. It was nice, there was a pleasant breeze and Bessie agreed to be in photos. I then decided to work out a nice walk for the day. choccoweeble suggested the roman bridges just down the road and with lots of time before work I had visions of a 45 minute walk in semi shade with a frog for company. Me in my work clothes and wellies.

Then I put the key in my car door, and the whole image of my morning shattered. I unlocked the car put I was unable to pull the key out. I tugged and pulled and twisted it a while then tried to relock it from the inside. The locks wouldn't go down.
choccoweeble advised I call my roadside assistance and then was forced to leave me so that she wasn't late for work.

I've never used my shiny roadside assistance before. I'm just glad I had all my numbers and the card with me. I called them, she took my registration and asked "Is it a green Honda Civic?" I went "noo it's red and a SEAT Ibiza.". Turned out she had one letter wrong and that was quickly rectified. I then had a lovely chat about where I was (Turns out that there are a few too many Green lane's in chester) for about 10 mins until I realised I had a map on the back seat. After giving her a more precise location she told me the driver would text me when he was on his way and I set about waiting.

This gave me ample opportunity to take a few more photos and walk to the main road and back. He called me for directions just to make sure he knew exactly where I was and about 10mins after my first call ended I had my own rescue service.

He looked at the key, tested it as I had done and said "That's properly stuck isn't it?" and proceeded to take the door apart. Partway through I was amused to see that the inside of my door is held together with ducttape. After removing the door handle he handed me the key with a smile. "You'll have to get to a garage to get that fixed" he said and I went. "Will it lock? Only I can lock from the other side?". He considered this a few moments and then reassembled the door (having removed and handed me the faulty lock parts). Opening the window, in case of it locking and not unlocking, we tested and it worked perfectly. He completed the paperwork and I was on my merry way. I was even early to work.

I was surprisingly chirpy for "breaking down", that was probably due to the breaking part actually not being too bad and also, I was in a bunch of fields with cows and horses as far as I could see on a sunny day with a light breeze and no risk of being late for work.

I did however realise that I had no idea how to call work to tell them I could have been late so am making sure that I do in future.

Two things I learnt from this morning.
1. Having Roadside assistance is good, and these guys really are as fast as they say.
2. A good map should always be in the car, as you are kind of stuck if you can't tell anyone where you are.

work, horse, car

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