So yeah
Maelstrom has now come and gone and I have nothing to tell that isn't completely FOIP except that the Saturday was fun for me as the only time I left the vicinity of our tent I got rained in, in someone elses at the far end of the camp...
So I'll tell you about the other things that amused me. Such as turning up, finding our governor and being told, "God, you're skinny". Such a boost to my slimming ego. Helps that my tunic for running around in and my emergency bought black jeans are as skin tight as I could get them and still wear. :P
Which means no need to adjust it for next event. Though my armour needs a complete redo.
Service stations have strange advertising in their
*whisper* the feminine product for enlarging certain nether regions...*/whisper*. Also, for some strange reason that is beyond me, Keele services going north seems to have the petrol station before the parking for going to the food and toilets not after. Which meant I had to drive to the next one in order to get petrol.
Since getting back I've not done much. It's rather strange having nothing pressing to do. Though the sooner I fix the issues with my armour the better. Also with new recruits possible I need to help them with their kit so they fit in...
I had a wierd dream last night with a boat that was a castle, and strange cooks and staff who were soem alien thing possibly similar but more sinister than the Slitheen. There were pig pens involved and gold. A load of royal carriages and I had to save the British Queen and randomly the king of Siam from being eaten by them...It's no wonder I feel tired this morning.
On an end note this was in a communication to me recently "and consider alternative means of communication (pear to pear/managerial feedback, team meeting discussion, quiz question, etc.)" My only thought was that I think writing on pears and passing them round would be both sticky and the notes wouldn't last long as they succumb to rotting...