Yeah, thats right. I'm not making this an lj cut...

Apr 08, 2006 00:46

Man, the last few days have been great!

First of all, I found out that all of my core classes that I've been taking at GTC will transfer over to Perimeter!!! Which means that I only have to spend a year there and then be on my way to Georgia State! Which means I will graduate one year earlier than expected. I can't wait! I want to move on with my life. I've already been in college for almost three years now....ugh...

I'm only taking one class right now, which is my last one before I graduate! What class is it that I have been putting off as long as possible? Oh yes, SPEECH. Have I ever mentioned how much I HATE public speaking?? Well, I'm surprisingly doing really well in that class. I think my teacher actually likes me a lot. Who would have thought? I thought this for sure would be the class that I would be the worst student in. Well, so far its cool.

Yesterday was aweseome:
- I kind of slept in
- I washed/cleaned my car
- gave all three dogs a bath
- talked with my mom and hung out with Shauna
-actually got REAL SUN (the first time in like, 2 years...seriously)
-took pictures
- worked out and took a Yoga class with Courtney( yeah, a yoga class. I'm so typical. Sue me)
- went to the college group thing at Crossroads with Shauna and Belynn and met some interesting people
- hung out with Michael
- didn't have to do an ounce of actual work.

So it sounds boring, but I actually felt amazing yesterday. It was so relaxing, yet I still got some stuff done.

And now, time for pictures!

<3 <3 <3

thug4life #1

Yeah, don't mess with him.

thug4life #2


hahahaha i decided that it would be a good idea to become an internet whore.


Early spring + being in my backyard + playing with my dogs + setting all cares aside= total euphoria

my dogs are awesome

i love this time of year
Michael and i were going to go to Charleston tomorrow.
Key word being "were".
Stupid tornadoes and rain.

Oh well.
Easter is coming soon! Happy Easter ahead of time!
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