Things Every Child Should be Taught

Nov 29, 2009 20:22

Practical things

* how to change a tyre
* how to change a fuse
* how to light a fire
* how to put out a fire
* how to cook a nourishing meal
* how to sew on a button and fix a seam
* where to find the emergency phone numbers for wherever they might be
* how to read a map/directions
* how to get their own clothes clean
* how to brush their teeth and hair properly
* always carry a safety pin
* always carry condoms
* wear sunscreen

Philosophical Things

* that you don't get money for nothing
* that good manners make life easier
* that you should ask for advice if you are unsure but that the final decision is yours, and so are the consequences
* that if you need help you should ask for it
* that you can't have rights without responsibilities
* that respect and trust, like money, have to be earned
* that suicide hurts other people too
* that not everyone can be trusted
* that virginity is neither a gift nor a burden
* that however bad things get there are people who love them and want to help
* that they have value and worth as a person quite apart from what other people think of them.
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