Aug 30, 2007 19:05
remember when princess diana and mother theresa were still alive back in the 90s? and now we have wars and genocide all over the place and george bush as president and global warming super hurricanes.
kinda makes it seem like the apocolypse is coming.
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My dad has given this speech a few times, in which he says...
"A Harris poll shows that public confidence in the executives running major corporations has declined drastically… from 55 percent to 16 percent. And 87 percent of the respondents agreed that most business leaders were more interested in profits than in the public interest.
What is the date of that Harris poll? You’re right; it was 1976 - 30 years ago.
The next quote states that we are in a time of:
“…unprecedented economic problems around the globe and of heightened international terrorism and violence. The Middle East is in turmoil.”
That quote is from 1980, the beginning of the decade in which most of this year’s graduates were born.
I by no means wish to trivialize the significance of today’s difficult issues: Iraq, Iran, AIDS, bird flu, funding Medicare and social security, the need for alternative fuel sources to name just a few. These issues are of enormous consequence.
But we have faced and surmounted difficult issues before. With hard effort and focus, you will do so again."
... I have not spoken to the man in more than a month, but he has quite a point.
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