Sep 20, 2005 23:12
So, tonight was a lot of things. Dumb,fun, exciting, interesting, and surprising all at the same time. The dumb stuff first. So, for SGA I've alreadt stated that to be on the senators counsel you have to be dressed in "business casual" attire. Well, I don't have time to get back to my room and change between classes or before the Senators meeting (which is an hour before SGA). Therefore, I had to wear a skirt all day. I decided to wear my cute denim skirt and my black button-down shirt. Blah blah classes blah. Go to the Senators meeting and for one point I was one of 6 ppl who were there on time, OUT OF THIRTY PEOPLE!!! Anyway, we went through business and people filed in and such, items were discussed, etc. Well, they started bickering over some point of business and it was absolutely disgusting how the situation was handled. It was a waste of words really. Anyway, we finally got that confuddled mess concluded and headed down to the SGA meeting.
We're getting ourselves set up at the front of the auditorium and Jim, one of the exec. SGA ppls, comes over to me and regrettably tells me that he has to ask that I not sit at the table because my skirt was denim and therefore inappropriate. Now, I wasn't mad at him because he supports the dress code about as much as the rest of us do (NOT AT ALL). However, Tara was pissed!! (Tara is the Student Activities Director from Southampton who loves me dearly) She went straight to Craig, their Director, and told him what was up. Anyway, just to close it up, I think we're voting on a dress code change next week. Muahahaha. We'll change this system yet.
Anyway, the rest of those words (fun, exciting, etc.) describe the club meeting. Yay for new faces and loads of interest! We had 3 new ppl show up today and we took turns sharing reading material from the club's books and other books people brought. It was loads of interesting and fun.
Now, the exciting and surprising aspect was actually brought to me just after the close of the meeting. The topic of Salem had been brought up and I explained to the club that we didn't have the funds for hotel rooms and that they are all booked up by now anyway. Well, one of my new members, Kevin, came up to me after the meeting and told me that he has a summer house about an hour from Salem that is empty and can be used.........WOW!!!!!!!!! Can I tell you how excited and speechless I was or should I just let you guess? Yeah. So hopefully I can figure out the bugs of this new system in time to arrange for a van and driver and stuff for this trip to be the weekend just before Halloween. Cross your fingers for me K.
Yeah, not much to say after that. Last night was interesting. My roomies and I were bedded down by 1 O'clock last night and we all woke up at 3:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. It really sucked. And I'm not sure why whatever it was affected all of us, but it did. Anyway, that can't happen tonight because I have 5 hours of Human Anatomy and Physiology to sit through tomorrow starting at 8am. Yeah that's tough enough on a full night of sleep anyway. I can't imagine what I'll be like tomorrow if I have to do that after 2 nights of no sleep. That could be scary.
Well, bedtime. "As the night approaches, I close my eyes and allow the peace to envelop my soul."
Luv ya Butterfly