Beautiful Boy, Part 3

May 25, 2013 08:41

Alright, well we obviously needed to have out Beautiful Boy join us, so here's the third (and probably final) part!
Pairing: Kurt/Puck. Features Brittany and a few OCs.
Rating: PG fluffy
Word Count: 1,548
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone you recognize, but oh how I wish I did!

One week past Brittany's due date and Puck was climbing the walls. Every time the phone rang, he'd jump and practically yell into it, not even checking who the caller was. Burt found this hysterical and had taken to calling at any and all hours. Puck was trying to convince Kurt that they should have another ultrasound done to be sure the baby was alright. “Sweetie, he's fine. He's moving around like crazy, and the midwife did say that the first baby often comes late. If she gets to forty-two weeks, then they'll talk about inducing her. Stop worrying. You'd think this was the first time you've done this.”

“Quinn had Beth two weeks early and it was just...a completely different situation. This is MY son. He's coming home with us when he leaves the hospital. Plus, you're here to be rational for me. Quinn was like, scary crazy, so I wasn't allowed to freak out. Can you imagine?”

Kurt just smiled, kissed his husband hard and whispered, “I love you,” before leading him to their bedroom.

In the end, Puck was in the shower and Kurt answered when they got the call from Brit's roommate. “How far apart are the contractions? Okay, yeah, we'll meet you there. Twenty minutes? Okay bye.” He hung up the phone and then headed to the bathroom. “Hey Noah, you almost done?”

“Yeah, just rinsing off. I knew you couldn't keep your hands off of this.”

He turned off the water and emerged from behind the curtain with a smirk. Kurt returned the smirk and said, “I think I'll have to keep my hands off for a while. Destiny just called. Brittany's water broke and they're on their way to the hospital.

Noah almost broke his neck rushing to jump out of the tub. “How long ago? Why didn't you yell? We've gotta go!”

Kurt placed a hand on the back of his neck. “Relax. We don't have to rush. Her contractions are about eight minutes apart right now, so he's not gonna pop out right now. These things take a while. Dry off, I'll get you some clothes, then we'll grab the bags and go hail a cab. I'll call Dad on our way to the hospital.”

Puck nodded his head and took a deep breath, starting to dry himself off with his towel. Kurt grabbed Noah's comfiest pair of jeans and a t-shirt and “Hummel Tires & Lube NY” sweatshirt. He put on his sneakers and grabbed two bags while Puck put his clothes on. One had a change of clothes for each of them, plus deodorant, toothbrushes and other toiletries. They'd been told these things could sometimes take more than 24 hours. The other bag had things they'd read Brittany might need. While they were sure she had the basics in her bag, they were little, extra things that she might not have thought to pack- fuzzy slippers, chap stick, some of those energy gel packets, and a few other things. Plus the present they'd gotten her.

In less than eight minutes they were down the stairs and outside of their building hailing a cab. Once they were in, Kurt gave the driver the name of the hospital and then took out his iPhone to call Burt, glad that it was only 7pm. He'd hate to wake him and Carole up. Puck called his mother, then his sister and Jake, all before Burt and Carole had let Kurt hang up. Puck chuckled and decided he'd call Finn as well. When the cab pulled up to the emergency room doors, Puck paid him and grabbed the phone from his husband. “We've got to go. We'll let you know as soon as we know anything.”

The pair rushed in and was escorted to OB, and from there they were directed to Brittany's room. They knocked once and pushed the door open when they heard, “Come in.” Brit was propped up in a bed, her roommate, a six-foot tall drag queen named Destiny sitting next to her.

“Hey Brit, how are you?” Puck asked quietly, brushing her hair back behind her ear.

She beamed at him, “I'm great. I can't wait to meet your dolphin baby!”

Everyone in the room chuckled at that. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah, it's okay now,” she nodded.

They talked quietly, pausing to hold her hand and talk her through the contractions. When the nurse came in to check on her, they were all excited to know how things were progressing. “Well, you're at about five centimeters. It's probably gonna be awhile yet, but you're coming along nicely. Just try to relax, get some rest if you can, and have your friends get me if you need anything before I'm back.”

After another two hours, Brittany was a bit less calm than when they'd first arrived, though they were all amazed at how well she was doing, with the contractions now just minutes apart. Puck smiled, “I feel like I should take hypno-birthing classes just for my day-to-day life. You're doing so well, Brit.”

It was nine hours after she'd checked in that the midwife was there and she'd been given the okay to push. “Did one of you want to catch the baby?” the midwife, Shannon, ashed the boys when they were getting ready.

“By 'catch' you mean...”

She smiled, “I mean, come down here next to me and catch your son when he comes out.”

Puck immediately grimaced, remembering Beth's birth. Kurt, though, surprised them all saying, “I will. If that's okay with you, Brit?”

“Your pea, my pod,” she nodded, managing a smile.

Kurt giggled and went to stand by her feet. Puck was holding her hand on one side, Destiny on the other. There were nurses holdinKurt was right between Brittany's legs, exclaiming, “Ohmigod! Babe, his head- I can see his head!”

Shannon placed Kurt's hands under the baby's neck, helping him to guide when Brit pushed. Two pushes later, he was out, held completely in Kurt's hands. Shannon guided Puck over to cut the cord, and a nurse used a towel to wipe at the baby, causing him to cry, and cleaning him up as best she could in his fathers' arms. Both men were in awe, just staring at their son. “He's perfect,” Puck whispered.

“He gets that from me,” Kurt responded with a smile, but Puck could see how close he was to tears.

The nurse took him away to get him cleaned and weighed, and they went over to Brit, who was resting after being finished with the entire ordeal. She was exhausted, but she smiled at them. “How's your little unicorn?”

“He's amazing, Brit. You did so good. Thank you,” Puck kissed her head.

When the nurse brought the baby over, they let Brittany hold him for a bit, and the nurse asked them what his name was. “Sean Jacob Hummel,” Kurt beamed.

“That's a nice, strong name,” she replied.

“Hey Sean-Pea,” Brittany cooed at the baby, “You're so handsome. I'm your Auntie Brit. I'm gonna play with you, and teach you to dance, and how to kiss boys, or girls if that's what you want to do- but both of your Daddy's can tell you about that too. They're both good kissers. You've got two awesome Dads here who've been waiting for you for a really long time. You be good for them, okay? Here, go see them.” She handed him over with a smile, and Destiny kissed her cheek.

When Puck took Sean into his arms, Kurt remembered the gift they had brought for Brittany. “Here, honey. This is for you. It's a thank you, for giving us this amazing gift. We can never thank you enough.” He handed her a silver necklace, with three spirals coming from an emerald, Sean's birthstone. “It represents the three of us. Because he wouldn't be here without you.”

She smiled and let him put the necklace around her neck. “It's beautiful. I'll never take it off. You don't have to thank me, though. This is the best thing I've ever done in my life.”

“Hey baby,” Puck grinned at the baby in his arms. “I'm your Tatti, and that's your Papa.” He stopped then, a bit choked up. Kurt started talking to him then.

“Hi Sean. You're a lucky guy, you know. You've got a big sister named Beth. She's gonna come see you in a few days when she's out of school for the weekend. And you've got Auntie Brit here, who you'll find out when you're older is the kindest, most selfless person ever. Then there's Auntie Sarah, then Uncle Finn and Uncle Jake and Uncle Blaine and Baba and Grandpa, and Grammy Carole and lots of other people who can't wait to meet you and cuddle you and generally spoil you rotten. We love you, baby boy.”

A nurse came over to them with a bottle and helped them settle in to feed him. Puck sat down with his son in his arms and gave him his first food. Kurt leaned down and kissed his husband and then his son, and he couldn't imagine anything more perfect than his life at that exact moment.

Brittany's necklace:

beautiful boy, kurt/puck

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