So You Fill Your Life with Sound (Part 2)

Aug 09, 2012 07:01

Title: So You Fill Your Life with Sound
Author: Shaynnaloves
Artist: kwest300
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kurt/Puck/Dave
Genres: Angst, HS romance
Warnings: Lots of foul language, boy-on-boy lovin’
Spoilers: Let’s just say any of Season 2, just to be on the safe side
Summary: Puck and Kurt become friends and Puck decides to “show Kurt some gay nightlife.” When they run into Karofsky there, things need to be dealt with… Title and Lyrics within are from “Role of a Lifetime” from the musical “Bare”.
Wordcount: 11,464
A/N: First, let me disclaim- I don't own the characters or song. Just the ideas. Second, HUGE thanks to my artist, sounding board and cheerleader, kwest300. I literally could not have done it without her :)

They were half right. Kurt woke first, groaning at the sunlight hitting his face and scrunching his eyes shut tightly. He buried his face into Puck’s chest as much as possible and felt Karofsky’s fingers squeeze his where they were entwined over his stomach. His legs were somehow tangled with those of both other boys, making it impossible to get out of the bed, even if he wanted to. Which he didn’t. Ever. He groaned and wondered briefly if he was dying.
Puck’s arm came around him and he could feel the warm body shaking with laughter. “Morning, Princess. How we feelin’?”
Kurt grunted and when he spoke it was muffled, “Just kill me now. I think there are little men with pick-axes in my head. And one of them died in my mouth. And I have to piss, but if I move, I will die.”
“How about you go to the bathroom and take some asprin with a big glass of water while you’re in there, and I’ll make you coffee and a big, greasy breakfast?”
Kurt groaned again, “Ugh, I can’t eat. I’m gonna vomit.”
“Trust me,” Puck smiled, carding a hand through Kurt’s messy hair, “I’m an expert on hangover cures.”
Kurt rolled over and tossed his arms around Dave, muttering, “He’s trying to kill me.”
Karofsky had been half asleep and half listening to their conversation and he smiled, glad to be a part of it now. “I highly doubt he’s trying to kill you with asprin and food. Seems like a pretty roundabout way to do it f he could just starve you and let you be miserable here.”
Kurt actually growled at him before throwing a leg over the bulkier boy and sliding over him and off the bed, grumbling, “Fuck you both. There better be coffee by the time I’m downstairs.”
Puck laughed, while Karofsky kind of stared in awe at the fact that Kurt had just swore at them. “You heard the man,” Puck stated, sitting and stretching. Karofsky’s eyes were drawn to his torso and focused on the silver bar through one of his nipples. “You can make the coffee while I start cooking.”
Puck grabbed a t-shirt on the way out and Dave followed him. He got three mugs out and started making the coffee while Puck started pulling things from the fridge. “So, we’re okay now?” Karofsky asked, focusing on the coffeemaker.
“As a former shithead myself, it’d be pretty douche-y to hold the past against you. But as his friend, I do get to tell you that if you fuck with him again - ever - I will kill you and you will never be found. Got it?”
Dave made eye contact and nodded, “Got it.”
Kurt finally stumbled downstairs and Karofsky handed him a mug, strong with the first drippings of the pot. Kurt didn’t put anything in it or even wait for it to cool down before taking two huge gulps. “Never drinking again,” he rasped out.
“Thought you decided that after April,” Puck burst out laughing at the scathing look Kurt sent his way.
“Speaking of April - wasn’t hard to convince you into the locker room with Matt, was it?”
“Hey, you should thank her. That’s when I actually realized I liked dudes too.”
“What am I missing?” Karofsky asked the room. Kurt took up explaining.
“Mr. Schue went crazy and had this lady he went to school with join New Directions our sophomore year. She convinced me that it’d be a great idea to drink at school, which it was so not. Especially when I emptied my stomach contents on Ms. Pillsbury’s shoes. It was almost worth it to see the spectacular look on her face, however. And may I point out how lucky it is that I did not vomit last night. Anyway, Puck here got pulled into a threesome with her and Matt Rutherford in the locker room.”
“Matt? Seriously?”
“Mm-hmm. Sometimes it’s the quiet ones who are the kinkiest,” Kurt blushed, “But anyways, he was hot and it was a total turn on and after that was when I told Ma I was into guys.”
“So, you’re bi then? And your mom knows?”
“Well, Ma was kinda confused and had me talk to Leroy Berry, one of Rachel’s dads. She talked to Hiram about it, who kinda made it all make sense for her somehow and convinced her it didn’t make me a bad Jew, so there’s that. And I’m not bi, I’m pansexual.” At Karofsky’s confused look, he explained, “It’s when you’re attracted to a person, not their sex or gender. Like, it doesn’t matter if they’re a guy or a girl, or a tranny or a queen, as long as they’re cool as shit or really hot.” He grinned while he put three plates on the table for them. Kurt looked at the cheesy eggs and bacon doubtfully. “It’s turkey bacon. Eat it.”
“Turkey bacon?” Karofsky asked, giving his own plate a questionable look.
“Yeah dude, you know, Kosher and shit? Promise it tastes good.”
They all ate and Kurt drank another cup of coffee and one of water too. They decided they needed showers. Kurt went first and was trying to fix his hair with some of Anna’s product when Puck poked his head in, “You coming out anytime today?”
“Been there, done that,” he replied with a smirk before speaking more sincerely, “Remind me to get your mother some Lush products for Mother’s Day. Shower’s free though.” He waved a hand at the shower but Puck just stared at him, waiting, “Geez, I’ve already seen you naked, you prude.”
“Thought maybe you forgot that.”
“Oh, I remember everything from last night.”
“And so off-hand about it. Way to make a guy feel good about himself,” Puck teased.”
Kurt, however, turned to him and said very seriously, “Puck, you know exactly what I think of you,” then turned away, “If you’re uncomfortable with me now, I’ll just head out there.”
Puck stopped him with a hand on his shoulder, turning him back so they were again face-to-face. “C’mon K, you know it’s not like that.”
Kurt stepped closer, their bodies close enough to feel the heat from one another, “What’s it like then?”
Puck threaded his fingers through Kurt’s hair, holding his head and dropping a small, light kiss on his lips. “It’s like there’s a boy in my living room right now that you seem to be a bit interested in and seems to be interested in you back.”
They were sharing the same air, bodies just barely touching, intimate and open with one another. Kurt closed his eyes, “What if I want both?” he breathed.
“Then you should go downstairs and talk to him.” Puck dropped another barely there kiss on Kurt’s lips, then stepped back, turned Kurt around, and slapped his ass, grinning at him and closing the door behind him as he went to talk to Dave Karofsky.

Dave was sitting on the living room couch playing a game on Puck’s Playstation. Kurt sat down next to him and sat quietly until the bigger boy looked at him. “David, when do you think you’re going to come out?”
He shrugged, eyes on the game again. “I don’t know. Probably college, when I’m outta here, you know? I’ll be in a city, where people are more open and shit to it. I mean, I can’t be out at McKinley. I…I couldn’t deal with what you do.”
“I can understand that,” Kurt said softly, placing his small hand on Dave’s forearm, “but what about your dad? Wouldn’t you feel better knowing you have support from your family?”
“Probably. But I know my Mom’s not okay with gays, and Dad would just be in an awkward position.”
Kurt pulled his hand away with a smile, “It was just a suggestion.” After another moment of quiet while Dave shot zombies, Kurt asked, “What would happen if you got a boyfriend, though?”
Dave scoffed at that, but then paused the game when he realized Kurt was serious. “Okay, assuming that the chances of that happening were more than one in a trillion, especially given our location, I’d probably tell my Dad about it, but tell Mom he was a new friend? I dunno. The question’s kinda moot.”
“What if it’s not?” Kurt turned fully to face him. “Listen, David. I’m… interested in you. I know you’re at least somewhat into me, too. But I’m not exactly sure what you want- or really what I want either, to be perfectly honest. I liked kissing you last night, and I really liked waking up next to you this morning. And I think it’s worth a shot to at least see if we’ve got something we can work with, don’t you?”
“You had the same thing with Puck, and he’s actually your friend. So why me?”
Kurt blushed then. “Well, um, Puck’s okay with sharing if you are?” it came out as a question rather than a statement.
Dave was torn between excitement that he could get the boy he likes, and sadness that he obviously wasn’t enough for said boy. He looked away and thought about it for a moment. Kurt sensed that he needed to process and left him alone, just sitting quietly and allowing him to think it through.
“I do like you, and I liked all the stuff you said, but… me and Puck? Where does that leave me? Like, who gets to do what? Are we just messing around, or is one of us your boyfriend, and which one? It’s kinda confusing.”
As he was talking, Puck had come to the bottom of the stairs and walked over to stand next to the couch. He addressed Dave’s questions. “We both would be. But if you’re not going to be out, then I would be his boyfriend in public. I’m already somewhat out, and I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks, so it’ll be out there. But we’ll all hang out together, go places together and shit. Just, when we’re not around other people, it’d be a different dynamic.”
“So, what, Kurt becomes a time-share?” Dave was a bit sarcastic, thinking it wasn’t fair to Kurt.
“This is what I want, David. I asked Puck, and he put the ball in your court.”
“Sports reference for the win!” Puck hissed with a smile, “But you’re missing one important part. It doesn’t have to be just you and Kurt, or me and K. Get it?”
When Dave looked at him, brows furrowed in confusion, instead of explaining, Puck bent down and met Dave’s lips with his own. He kept it fairly chaste, just lips pressing against lips, until Dave opened his mouth to deepen it. Puck put his hands on the boy’s shoulders and Dave grabbed Puck by the back of the neck, holding him tight to him. Kurt looked on with a smile and a hand resting on David’s thigh. It lasted several long moments before they had to pull back to breathe.
They were panting against each other and Kurt smiled, “You know, I never thought I’d find that so appealing. But that was hot.”
Puck huffed a laugh and backed off a little so he could look at both boys before summarizing, “Just give it a shot. What do we have to lose? If it’s good, it’s gonna be real good. If it doesn’t work, not like you lost anything. If nothing else, it’ll make for a good story when you’re out and partying in college. ‘My first homosexual experience? Oh, I was in a three person relationship my junior year of high school.’”
Dave chuckled at that and nodded. “Maybe it could work, but we’d need ground rules, so we’re all on the same page.”
Kurt practically squealed at Dave’s seeming assent, and Puck spun around so he was sitting on the opposite side of Dave on the couch from Kurt. He splayed his arm over the back of the couch, Dave’s head barely brushing the inside of his elbow, and his fingers teasing through the hairs at the nape of Kurt’s neck. “I’m down with whatever. I’m easy.”
“Yeah, we know,” Kurt smiled playfully.
Puck didn’t get offended, just grinned. “What? I like to experience life to the fullest.”
Kurt scoffed at that, holding his laughter in. “I’m not coming out,” Karofsky stated, “Just so you know, going into it. I mean, I could tell my Dad someday… in an abstract way. Not like, all about this, but- yeah.”
“Fair enough,” Kurt agreed, “I will be telling my Dad…part of this. I tell him almost everything. If it’s okay with you, Puck, I guess I’d just tell him we’re…seeing each other?”
Puck shrugged. “Fine with me. I can handle the dad-with-a-shotgun speech.”
“Also, if it is just casual, I’m not going to be having sex with either of you,” Kurt continued, “I’m not opposed to ‘other things’, but that’s a very serious and important thing to me, so I’m not comfortable with that intimacy if there’s not a real commitment and feelings. I realize that’s quite romantic of me, but that’s just how I am, which you will have to deal with.”
“What about the two of us? Would it be a problem if we did get it on?” Puck asked.
“If you’re both comfortable with that, I am fine with it.”
“What do you say, Davey? You down with doin’ the nasty?”
Dave might’ve turned a bit red at that, but answered, “Eventually, yeah I guess.”
“Pitch or catch?”
“Won’t really know ‘till I try ‘em both, right?”
“I like the way you think, Davey Boy,” Puck smirked, bumping their shoulders.
“So, is this just us, or are we seeing other people, too?” Dave asked. They looked from one to another, each making eye contact, and Dave verbalized, “Just us,” to which the other two nodded their agreement. “I’m gonna have to apologize to the gleeks tomorrow.”
“You are?” Puck questioned.
Dave looked down at his feet, “Well, yeah, otherwise how are you gonna explain us being friends?”
Puck and Kurt exchanged a meaningful glance over his head and smiled. “Thank you David,” Kurt said gently, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “I’ve got to head home. I promised Finn I’d help him make cupcakes for Quinn today. Maybe you guys can come over later? We could watch a movie or something.”
Puck shrugged, “Yeah, I can come over after Ma gets home, so there’s someone here whenever Sarah shows up.”
“Sure,” Dave agreed, “I’ve got nothing going on today. I should probably get your numbers though.”
They exchanged phone numbers and Kurt headed towards the door, the two jocks trailing behind. “I’ll see you in a bit,” he smiled, leaning over to kiss Puck goodbye. He pulled back and said to Dave, “ Since I won’t be able to do this later…” and wrapped his arms around the taller boy’s neck, leaning into him and initiating a deep kiss.
When he pulled away, he licked his lips and Dave moaned while Puck kind of made a weird panting noise. “Cock-tease,” he winked.
Kurt swatted his head, then counteracted the move by quickly dragging his fingers through the mohawk before skipping out the door.
Puck watched him go, telling Dave, “He may cause my dick to die,” but it was said with fondness. “So, wanna make out?”
“Should we?” Dave gestured to the door Kurt had just left through.
“I’d be kinda upset if you two didn’t take advantage of a situation like this. We gotta get together when we have the chance. You wanna call him and ask permission?” Dave glared and Puck laughed, “Yeah, we probably shouldn’t clue him in to the fact that he’s totally running this show. Not yet, at least. He doesn’t need to know how bad he’s got us whipped already.”
“He’d never let us forget it,” Dave agreed, then looked at Puck seriously, “This is kind of awkward. I mean, you were ready to murder me yesterday.”
Puck sat on the couch, gesturing with his head at the seat next to him. Dave took it. “Listen, dude, ‘cause I’m not so big on the whole ‘sit and talk it out’ thing. This doesn’t have to be awkward. You’re into K, right?” Dave nodded. “Well, I’m pretty into him myself. Hell, if I’d thought he’d give me a chance months ago, I woulda been all over that. So, we both wanna be with Kurt, and I guess he wants to be with both of us. The two of us together? That’s like, collateral damage, but whatever the opposite of damage is. You’re a hot dude, and I’m a stud, so lets just go with it, right?”
Dave was surprised at the fact that Puck’s logic made sense, so he nodded again and leaned in, kissing Puck.
They were in the same spots when they heard a key in the lock. They slid to opposite ends of the couch and Dave ran a hand through his hair while Puck grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. When Puck’s mother came through the living room and saw them, she stopped. “Oh, hi. Noah, I thought Kurt was going to be over today?” her brow wrinkled, wondering who this other boy was instead.
“He was here, but he had to go home and help Finn with something. We’re gonna go over now and watch movies- I was just waiting for you to get home.”
“Oh, okay. Sarah’s still at Lana’s?”
“Alright,” then she turned her head towards the other end of the couch and regarded the other boy. “Hello, by the way. I’m Anna. No matter how hard I try to teach my boy some manners, he continues to be horrible at introductions.”
Dave held his hand out, carefully shaking the small woman’s and introducing himself, “Pleasure to meet you, Anna. I’m Dave Karofsky.”
Anna’s eyes flew to Puck’s in surprise and he just shrugged casually, explaining, “He’s reformed.”
“Well… good.” She headed into the kitchen moments after that, and the two boys got ready to head over to the Hudmel’s.
“So, your mom knows, like, what I did?” Dave asked once they were in his truck.
“It’s been the topic of conversation a few times. Dude, I kinda get it now, and I know you’re not gonna act like that again,” he paused to look at the bigger boy, waiting for a nod of agreement, “but he changed fucking schools because he was terrified of you. Of course my Ma knows that. The whole damn town probably knows. Just like me being in juvie. And yeah, they’re probably all thinking you’re an asshole when they see you. But you just gotta show ‘em you’re different now.”
Karofsky sighed. How had he let himself fuck his life up so badly?

Across town, Kurt had temporarily finished in the kitchen with Finn. They were just waiting for the cupcakes to finish baking and cool before they could do the frosting. While they waited, Kurt took Finn into the living room where his father was, and announced, “I’ve got to tell you something.”
Burt turned the game down and looked at his son, “Shoot, kid.”
“Well, the thing is, Puck’s coming over in a little bit…” both other men in the room looked at him with a blank look, wondering why this was worthy of an announcement, “And, um, DavidKarofskyiscomingwithhim.”
“What?” Finn stood up, snarling.
“Relax your face or you’ll get premature wrinkles. David Karofsky is coming over to the house with Puck. We ran into him last night and had a very long conversation. He’s apologized, I know why he did what he did, and while I obviously don’t approve, I do understand his reasons. He’s not going to act like that again, and he even wants to apologize to the entire Glee club. He’s making an effort to change, and he wants to be friends. So I expect both of you to at least be civil until you see for yourselves that he is not the same person that chased me out of McKinley. Understood?”
Finn nodded, sitting down and actually bowing his head, like a misbehaving child. Burt, on the other hand, stared at his son silently for a minute before stating, “I’m proud of you, son. I’m not one-hundred percent behind the whole idea, but I trust you to know what you’re doing. Just promise me that you won’t be alone with him for awhile? Until you know for sure he’s not gonna go back to being that guy.”
“Dad, I know he’s not. But if it makes you feel better, then fine.”
Burt nodded and the timer for the cupcakes went off in the kitchen, so Kurt went to take the cupcakes out of the oven and put them on the cooling rack. When Puck and Dave showed up, Burt greeted them, firmly shaking Dave’s hand and staring at him just long enough to make him squirm and look away. No words necessary, warning received. Finn, however, wasn’t as tactful. “Dude, you better not be fucking with him.”
“Lay off, Finn,” Puck warned in a friendly tone.
“I’m just sayin’, maybe Kurt can’t trust him after everything.”
Kurt stood, toe to toe with Finn and growled, “I will say this one time and one time only: Back. Off. You have no say on who I’m friends with, and you have no right to judge anyone else based on how they’ve treated me, when you were just as bad! I’ve forgiven you, and now I’ve forgiven him. There is not one person I’m friends with who hasn’t treated me horribly at some point in our past, but I am a big enough person to forgive and move on. Otherwise I would have no friends in this town. So you? Will back the fuck off. Now.”
Puck slid behind Kurt, wrapping his arms around the slim waist and talking in his ear, “Relax K.”
Finn’s eyes widened, but Kurt put a hand up, palm facing him, and looked over his shoulder at Dave, “Okay, movies. My room. It’s downstairs.”
And that was that. Dave followed the other two downstairs, going wide around Finn, just in case, but he seemed frozen in shock from the confrontation with Kurt. “Did you really mean it?” Dave asked him downstairs, “That all the people you’re friends with have treated you badly?”
Kurt nodded, “Well, maybe not Tina? But yeah, it’s not like I haven’t gotten called names, and there was the whole atheist debacle when Dad… yeah. The few who’ve never batted an eye or treated me any differently for being gay had a field day when they found out I don’t believe in God. So yes.”
Dave couldn’t find words and just wrapped his arms around the smaller boy, hugging him tightly. “I’m so sorry,” he managed to choke out, trying to hold back tears. After a few deep breaths to pull himself back together, he stated, “You’re amazing. I don’t deserve you.”
Puck had wrapped an arm around each boy’s waist from the side and stated, “Neither one of us does. But if he’s not gonna realize it, I’m not gonna try to change his mind.”
Kurt just smiled at them, placing a light kiss on each set of lips and stating, “That? That’s why you do deserve me now. You’ve both grown up and aren’t the same boys who used to do bad things. Now, let’s watch a movie before someone comes down here or something.”
Kurt sat sandwiched between the two for two movies and as they left that night, Kurt told Burt that he was dating Puck. Burt gave him the expected, “You hurt him I’ll hurt you” speech, but when they were gone, he said to Kurt, “You could do worse than Mohawk, I guess.” Kurt figured that was the best opinion he’d ever get from his father about dating a boy.
When he called Puck that night, he squealed, “He’s way more cool about me having a boyfriend than I thought he’d be. This is great!”
Within a week, Dave had apologized to the Glee club and Kurt transferred back to McKinley. By the end of his first day back, the whole school knew he and Puck were an item, and they saw the two of them having lunch and joking in the hallways with Karofsky. He was unsurprised when he got to Glee and was immediately pounced on by Rachel and Mercedes, “When did all of this happen?”
He gave them the least amount of information he could and was glad when Puck came in and squeezed in next to him, effectively silencing the two girls. Quinn just looked at them sadly, and no one was really sure what that was about. Kurt was just glad to be back, and with his new “relationship with Puck” and “friendship with Karofsky”, the bullies and jocks mostly left him alone.
Kurt had to admit, he was excited for the “Born This Way” assignment, and he thought Puck’s shirt was hilarious. Dave watched the performance, smiling at the things on everyone’s shirts, and when the three headed back to Puck’s (empty) place, he enjoyed removing the shirts.

When Sue’s “newspaper” reported that Kurt was cheating on Puck with Sam at a motel, Puck just laughed at the members of New Directions who believed it. Some came to him, concerned, while others accused Kurt. When Rachel assaulted him in the hallway with, “How could you? I’ve never seen Noah so serious about anything and yet you treat it all like a joke!”
Dave stepped in, hearing her attack, “Listen up, loudmouth- whatever Kurt is or isn’t doing is none of your business. But as his ‘friend’, shouldn’t you trust and respect him? Not accuse him of doing something that you are actually guilty of? Now piss off, before I remind myself why I used to like slushy-ing you.”
When she turned and high-tailed it in the other direction, Kurt put a hand on Dave’s forearm and spoke quietly, “Thank you, that was very sweet.” Dave just shrugged and walked him to his next class. When the truth about Sam’s family came out, Rachel apologized to Kurt and asked him to “give her apologies to Karofsky as well.”

All three boys were happy to see the end of the school year. They worked their summer job schedules out for the maximum amount of time off together. Kurt worked for his Dad, doing mostly inventory, ordering, and dealing with customers. He’d jump in and help on the cars when needed, but claimed it took days to get his hands back to his standards. He got Puck a job in the garage as well, learning about cars from Burt. Puck no longer cleaned pools or “cleaned pools”, and it had the added bonus of Kurt thinking his boyfriend and father bonding was “absolutely adorable! Really Dave, you should see them being all manly together. Sometimes one of them even grunts!”
Dave was working for his father’s law firm as a gopher. He mostly just photocopied and carried things from one place to another. They all had weekends and most nights off. They spent a lot of time at Puck’s, since his mom worked a ton. All of that led to the most horrifying conversation Kurt had ever had with his father, whom he assured, “Dad! We’re not… doing that yet, okay?” He had hoped that would end the discussion, but instead he got a talk about all the other things and safety and feelings… by the time it was over, he all but ran to his room, red faced and was on the phone with Dave minutes later.
“You’ve got the right idea. I wish I had never come out to my father! Oh my god, that was the most painful and awkward thing I have ever had to sit through. And I’ve had to listen to Rachel sing Celine Dion!”

They were still going strong for the start of their senior year. By the end of the first week back, though, Dave was feeling the frustration of having to hide who he was and his relationship. When he caught himself almost leaning in to kiss Puck in the locker room after football practice, he slammed his fist into a locker and stormed out.
Everyone stared and Puck shrugged, going for casual when he stated, “I’ll go see what’s up,” and he followed his boyfriend out. He found him pacing in the hallway and dragged him to the auditorium where he knew Kurt was running through a performance while he waited for them to be done with football. Kurt saw them enter, seeing how upset Dave was and how confused Puck seemed looking at him. He hopped off the stage and headed for them.
“What happened?”
“Nothing happened,” Dave snarled.
Kurt looked to Puck, eyebrows drawn together. Puck shrugged, “Practice was fine. He just smashed a locker and tore outta the locker room. I’ve got no clue.”
“Baby,” Kurt took his hands, looking up at him, “What’s wrong?”
Dave looked at Puck and then at Kurt, eyes shining, “Everything. You two make me so happy, but it’s killing me, you know? Having to hide that. I don’t even feel like me when I’m walking around this shit-hole. I just want to- I don’t know. I love you both and I don’t want to pretend I don’t anymore.”
Kurt’s eyes widened and Puck stepped even closer, wrapping his arms around Dave’s waist and propping his chin on the other boy’s shoulder. It had been more than five months, but it was the first time any of them had used the L-word.
“I love you too,” Kurt breathed, looking at both boys so they knew he was talking to both of them.
Puck sighed, “Well, if we’re gonna have a chick-flick moment here, yeah, me too. Now that we’ve established that, what’re we gonna do about Davey’s problem? I mean, as progressive and supportive as a few people around here can be, we’re still in fucking Ohio. I think if we start making out in public and whatever, we might get killed. Gay polygamy’s not really an accepted lifestyle.”
He felt Dave’s shoulders sag as he said, “You’re right. I’ll just deal.”
Kurt kissed him then, strong and deep, before pulling back with a smile. “I might have a compromise. It’s just an idea, but it’s up to you. You could… come out. Then you’d be able to be more, friendly, with us, if that makes sense?”
“You really think it’d be any different?” he asked. It was obvious that they had gone past the “just having fun” to “serious commitment and love”, so he wasn’t sure what he expected of himself anymore at that point.
Puck spoke up, agreeing. “It could help. I mean, it’d explain why you spend so much time with us, and you could probably like, touch K more or hold his hand once in awhile.”
“Just his?”
“Different type of gay, dude. It’s like how he can hold the girls’ hands and be there when they’re changing,” he looked at Kurt, “If you weren’t so damn gay, you could get with like, every chick in the school.”
“Everyone’s a little bit straight, Noah,” Kurt laughed, “But yeah, girl parts- yuck!”
Dave finally smiled a bit, “I’ll think about it. Thanks guys.” He kissed them both quickly, squeezing Puck’s ass with a smile before they turned to leave.
The next day, Puck told Dave that Kurt was singing a song that afternoon for Glee and he should sneak into the auditorium to see it. Dave always loved watching Kurt perform. He agreed and found himself on a balcony, watching as Kurt introduced the song. “This is from the rock opera, ‘Bare.’ It’s an amazing show. This is called ‘Role of a Lifetime.’” Brad began playing and Kurt sang, putting everything into the song.

Everything’s an act, when you’re pleasing everyone.
And he assumes that role to such renown.
He plays a perfect part, straight from his heart
Knowing the risk he takes
And hoping that the house is not brought down.

The role of a lifetime is living a fantasy.
The trauma that you struggle to erase.
Thoughts battle words over deeds
A war with such casualties.
All played out behind a smiling face.

God I need your guidance, tell me what it means
To live a life where nothings as it seems.
Spending days in silent fear, spending nights in lonely prayer.
Hoping that one day when you wake those feelings won’t be there.

So confused because I feel complete with him
When we're alone it all somehow makes sense.
Look into his eyes for some compromise
Remember the word, forget
And try to bury something so intense.

You learn to play the straight man, your lines become routine.
Never really saying what you mean.
But I know the scene will change, white picket fences, and a dog,
A trophy bride and children, God I know that’s what he wants
But Jason what role do I play, am I a savior or a phase?
Am I here to damn you?Or to help you navigate this maze?
Where confusion is a crime, so you fill your life with sound,
And if you dance like hell you hope you never touch the ground.
What happens when the music stops? In the silence will he stay?
One day you'll realize that these feelings aren't going away
So we drive ourselves insane,
Spinning circles in our souls,
As we dance around and play pretend.
Then once again reprise our roles.

When it was over, Kurt stood there, eyes shining, and Puck jumped up onto the stage, grabbing him into a hug. His eyes shot up to where he knew Dave was standing, seeing the other boy in tears. He kissed Kurt, and their audience clapped, obviously completely misunderstanding Kurt’s meaning behind the song. When he looked up again, Dave was gone.
Dave got home and went to his Dad’s office. “Hey, can I talk to you?”
Paul looked at his son, who- judging by his red eyes and hoarse voice- was obviously upset. “Of course. Are you alright David?”
Dave chuckled sadly at that. “You know Dad, I haven’t been alright for a long time. I’ve been angry and scared and hurt and depressed because I’m gay, Dad, and I didn’t want to disappoint or lose anyone, but I can’t keep doing it. Please don’t hate me,” he pleaded the last part quietly.
Paul stood and went to him, hugging him tightly, “I could never, ever hate you, son. No matter what. I love you.”
Dave broke then, clutching his father and sobbing into his shoulder. When he finally quieted down, Paul looked at him and said, “I’ve always tried to be honest with you, Dave. I’m really not sure what your mother will think about this.”
“I know what she thinks, and none of it’s good. The things she said about Kurt before… I don’t think I’m gonna tell her. And Dad, I’m almost eighteen. Maybe I don’t have to go to hers anymore?”
Paul sighed and answered, “The custody agreement is every other weekend, but I’ll talk to her, okay?”
“Okay,” Dave nodded, “Dad, can Puck and Kurt come over for a bit?”
Paul squeezed his shoulder, “Sure thing. I’ve actually got to run to the main office in town for a while. I was going to throw together a quick dinner first, but if you want I can leave you money so you guys can get pizza instead.”
“Awesome,” Dave smiled.
Paul handed him some money and got his things together. As he took his briefcase and headed for the door, he looked at his son again and told him, “I love you, David, and I’m proud of you. Thank you for telling me.”
When he left, Dave texted his boyfriends, asking them to come over. Both agreed and Kurt picked Puck up on his way over. When they walked in, Dave grabbed Puck- the first one through the door - kissing him deeply before pulling back and kissing Kurt just as thoroughly. When he pulled back, he was panting and grinning.
“I told my Dad. Y’know, that I’m gay. And he told me that he loves me and is proud of me.”
Puck hooted, and Kurt kissed him, more gently, “Good for you, baby.”
Dave dragged them upstairs to his bedroom. In minutes they were each in various states of undress on his bed. Hands and mouths were everywhere. “Can we- I want…fuck. Please, fuck!” Dave tried to make a coherent sentence.
Puck arched an eyebrow at Kurt who nodded, “Yeah, I, I love you guys,” he slid one hand through Puck’s mohawk, and squeezed Dave’s hip with the other, running it up and down his side, “I love you so much. I never thought… I never dreamed I could be so lucky.”
“I think we’re lucky you forgave us,” Dave shook his head, “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Both of you.” He kissed Kurt deeply, stopping and whining when he felt Puck’s body pull away from where it was entwined with theirs.
“Calm down a sec, Davey. We gotta take a minute here so we’re all on board. I know you don’t care, but K, you got a preference?”
“No,” he shook his head, “I’d like to try both. See what I like best. What we like best.” He squeezed their hands. We. It was such an amazing concept.
“Kay, perfect, cuz I’ve thought about this. A lot,” he clarified, making a crude hand gesture, “Here’s how I think it should go for the first time here. All three of us, right? Dave if you fuck me, Kurt can fuck you at the same time. It’ll probably be a little tricky to get it to work at first, but this way it’s a first for each of us, yeah? Different. Special.”
Neither Kurt or Dave took long to think about it before agreeing wholeheartedly. Dave reached into his nightstand to grab a bottle of lube and then paused, asking, “Condoms?”
“Up to you. I’m clean, obviously. Are you?” Kurt asked.
“Yeah,” Dave nodded.
“As a whistle. Got tested two months ago. So, no?”
Dave slammed the drawer closed and growled, “Fuck no,” pouncing on Puck and kissing him while he opened the top of the lube. He wet his fingers and toyed with Puck’s hole, slipping a finger in just a little bit and back out. Kurt was running his hands all over Dave, but he was completely unprepared to feel Kurt’s tongue licking a stripe between his cheeks. “Jesus. Fuck!” He couldn’t believe Kurt was doing that.
Puck chuckled, “That’s the plan.”
Dave stretched and prepped Puck while Kurt was rimming him, trying his hardest to concentrate on what he was doing to Puck, before coating his cock and slowly sinking into the other boy. Kurt finished licking and slicked the fingers of his right hand, plunging one into Dave and running his left hand over Puck’s chest, tweaking his nipple ring. “Shit, that’s good. Move, Dave.”
Dave began to thrust, long, slow movements while Kurt opened him up. He rocked back into Kurt’s fingers and forward into Puck’s ass. When Kurt pulled his fingers out, he gripped Dave’s shoulder. “Hold on a sec. Let me in, don’t move.”
Puck leaned up and kissed Dave while Kurt pushed into him. He pulled away and hissed as Kurt slid in deeper. “Relax, dude,” Puck spoke, and then there were four hands gliding on his body. When Kurt bottomed out, Puck squeezed down on Dave’s cock and all three groaned. Puck threw one leg around Dave’s hip, hooking his foot just under Kurt’s ass, linking the three together. Dave began moving again, keeping the pace for them all.
It took a few minutes for them to get their rhythm, but once they did, it was so good. Kurt kept up a steady stream of “loveyouloveyouloveyou,” and was first to say, “I’m so close, oh god. Yeah, so close.”
Dave picked up speed and reached to stroke Puck in time with his thrusts. Kurt and Dave came almost at the same time, Dave’s hand tightening on Puck with his orgasm and Kurt twisting Puck’s nipple ring, causing him to come right behind them. Kurt pulled out and fell to the side. Dave just collapsed on top of Puck with a laugh. Puck pushed him off with a grunt, to his other side and then rolled himself over to kiss Kurt. “So, everything you’ve always dreamed of?”
Kurt giggled and said, “It’s a safe bet that that is nothing like what I’d once imagined for my first time.” Then he sighed happily, wiggling to get comfy against Puck and pulling a blanket up to cover as much of his body as he could, “But I think it was even better than I’d dreamed. I love you guys.”
“We love you too, you sap,” Puck smiled.
Dave tugged the blanket down lower on Kurt, settling his head low on the smaller boy’s stomach. “Relax. You’re beautiful.”
Kurt scoffed at that but knew better than to voice an argument, settling for running a hand up and down Dave’s back, and playing with Puck’s stripe of hair.
After a few minutes, Dave sat and said, “I should probably order a pizza, or Dad’s gonna wonder what happened.”
Kurt used his bathroom to clean up and fix his hair. He laughed as he entered the bedroom again and said, “No one would believe that I was the last one of us to bottom, huh?”
Dave smiled and pulled him onto his lap, nuzzling his neck. He spoke quietly, words he’d never spoken aloud, never dreamed of telling anyone. “Y’know, I used to sit up here and wish I was dead. I thought about doing it so many times- knew exactly which beam in my closet would be best. Debated if I’d need a rope or if one of my belts would do… I’m so fucking happy now that I never did it. I would’ve missed so much.”
Puck wrapped his arms around both of them, squeezing tight. Dave’s eyes were wet, but both Kurt and Puck had tears falling down their cheeks. Neither would ever deny it either. “You can’t ever do that. Can’t leave us. You’re supposed to be the rational one of us here. Kurt’s the drama queen and I’m the idiot who never thinks before he acts.”
“’M not going anywhere. Not now. I’ve got you, and my Dad. It’s better.”
They stayed there, huddled together until the doorbell rang. “That’s the pizza,” Dave slid Kurt over towards Puck and got up, going to get the food and some sodas. He brought it all back and sat on the floor. “Now let’s eat pizza and blow shit up on video games till you’ve gotta go, like real men.” And as he ate a pizza with barbeque chicken, pineapple and mushrooms - because one boyfriend was Kosher and the other demanded a fruit and vegetable for it to constitute a meal - Dave knew everything would be okay, no matter what.

kurt ot3 bang, glee fic, puckurtofsky, ~2012, ~finished entries

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