A Glass of Milk in the Night, 23

Dec 28, 2011 18:07

Title: A Glass of Milk in the Night
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Noah Puckerman, and many of the other New Directions...
Rating: NC-17
Gen/ slash
Warning: A hint of boy lovin' and quite a bit of sappiness.
Main Pairing: Kurt/Puck
Word Count: 1,805
Summary: Kurt is surprised in the middle of the night, and gets to see a side of Puck that most don't.
Let it be said that this is now mostly AU. Some things from cannon can be seen, but most of this is from my head and doesn't follow the stuff that's happened at the end of season two at all.

Anyone still reading? Should I give up? Comments, please!

They got home really late that night, but Burt was still awake, waiting for them. “So? How’d it go?”

Kurt was bouncing when he exclaimed, “We got it! It’s fabulous, I can’t wait until you see it!”

“Good for you boys. I’m sure it’s great.”

Noah nodded, “It really is. Would you mind looking over the lease with us before we sign it, though?”

“Of course. I’m glad it worked out for you. Now, I’ll be off to bed. Get some sleep. You’ll need your rest before you head out for Nationals.”

Both boys nodded and Burt left them behind, going to bed. Kurt immediately turned to Noah and wrapped his arms around the bigger boy’s neck, kissing his chin, “I love you.”

“I love you too, Babe,” he kissed his boyfriend on the lips and pulled back, “Uh, your dad’s right. We need to get some sleep. Night Princess.”

With that, both boys headed to their bedrooms for the night.

The next two days flew by with a very quiet dinner out to celebrate their first anniversary, and then they were heading to the school before the sun was up to get on the bus and head to the airport for Nationals. Noah, Kurt, and Artie sat together on the plane and tried to sleep, but the only one who managed to actually get any rest was Kurt, with his head lying on Noah’s shoulder. When their plane landed they were shuttled to the hotel, where Mr. Schuester kept trying desperately to figure out how their rooms should be shared.

After a lot of going back and forth, Noah finally raised his hand, “Mr. Schue?”

“Yes Puck?”

“I’m just gonna say it… why don’t you let us pick who we’re gonna room with? You know we’ll all end up switching in the middle of the night anyways, so let’s save the trouble, and we’ll all agree that no one back home ever has to hear about it. Right guys?”

The rest of the choir all nodded their heads, and for a minute, Mr. Schue looked like he was going to argue before he looked to Coach Beiste, the other chaperone, sighed and stated, “No one back home hears about this, got it? Not your parents, not Figgins, and definitely not Coach Sylvester. If anyone asks, you were rooming with a member of the same sex, who you are not dating. Okay?”

Everyone nodded before rushing to him, grabbing their room keys, and finding their rooms. Kurt was giggling the entire elevator ride up to their floor, “Oh my Gaga, I cannot believe he actually agreed to that!”

The other choir members riding with them all laughed in agreement and they split up when they got to their doors. Kurt and Noah walked into their room and dropped their bags. “Well, we’ve got half an hour before we have to meet in the lobby for dinner. I’m going to unpack. I see they at least have an iron, if I need it.”

Noah smiled at his boyfriend and said, “I’m just gonna run through my song again.”

He pulled out his guitar and Kurt gripped his wrist after he had put it over his head, “Don’t worry so much. You’re going to be wonderful. I know it.”

Noah nodded and began strumming, humming through the song first. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was pretty much terrified. He and Mercedes were singing a duet of a song Noah wrote. He wasn’t scared of singing, he was more worried that they wouldn’t like his song. This would be the first time he’d ever sung something original of his own, outside of their home and Glee Club. “It’s a beautiful song, Noah. You know that.”

While Kurt unpacked, Noah sang the song through, and on the second time, Kurt joined in, singing Mercedes’s part with his boyfriend. After they ran it a few more times, Noah took his guitar off and wrapped his arms around the other boy, who was hanging Noah’s performance clothes in the hotel closet. “Too bad Mr. Schue wouldn’t let us sing it together,” he mumbled, kissing the pale neck in front of him.

Kurt sighed and relaxed back against the hard chest behind him. “Well, we did get to do a duet at prom. And you know you and Mercedes harmonize amazingly together. Not that I couldn’t do it, of course, but I support his decision 100 percent.”

“You mean you support your decision?” Noah smirked, remembering how Kurt had none so subtly pointed out that Mercedes would be great to sing the song with the footballer.

“Well, I do often have brilliant ideas,” Kurt grinned, “Now let me go, I need to get changed for dinner.”

The whole Glee Club went out to dinner at a big seafood restaurant. After dinner, they were given two hours to go out and explore the city- given that they travelled in pairs or more- so Kurt, Puck, Brittany and Santana headed out to see the sights. Kurt dragged them into a few stores, but mostly they just wandered around, looking at everything and reveling in the fact that they could hold hands, hug, and kiss in public without fear.

They went back to the hotel and headed to their rooms for an early night. The next day was the first day of competition, and they had to go early to the theatre to run through their performance on the stage. Kurt changed and went through his nightly routine before joining Noah on his bed, kissing the mohawked boy and then turning so he could be cuddled from behind. “I love you, Noah.”

“Love you too. Night Kurt.”

The next day was busy and full of nerves. They had a big breakfast then headed to run through their songs on stage. After that they had a really light lunch and then got ready for the competition. Kurt was busy helping everyone adjust their outfits just right and fixing the girls’ hair and makeup before they went on. As they were waiting in the wings, he leaned over to kiss Noah lightly, “I’m so proud of you, baby. Just have fun with it, okay?”

Noah smiled and nodded his head. “Yeah, I can do that.”

Mercedes and Noah walked on stage at their cue, coming together to sing.

So even if I don't see these pipe dreams come true,

I hope that you know that I was thinking of you.

And as much as I wish that I could do it alone,

I can't, so that's why I'm coming home.

The rest of the choir entered, singing lightly in the background. Everyone was smiling and enjoying themselves, doing the choreography and hoping that they could make the top ten this year. When the song was over, they all grinned seeing the audience standing, clapping, and cheering loudly. When the audience started to quiet down, the music started up for their next song, “Good Life” by onerepublic.

Artie, Sam, Quinn and Santana had solo sections, with Mike and Brittany showcasing their dancing. At the end of the song, the audience was on their feet again, and they all hugged and headed off stage to the Green Room to get changed before finding seats to see their competition perform.

The afternoon went by quickly, and all the other clubs were great, but as Rachel stated when they left, “They were good, but I don’t think any of them were spectacular. Truly, I’d say we’re all fairly equal in talent, but we at least had an original song and I believe the best dancing.”

They went out to dinner after that, everyone still high on the adrenaline of an amazing performance. By the end of dinner, the results for the day were posted, and Mr. Schue stood to read off the top ten, who would compete the next day. They were fourth on the list, and everyone cheered, hugged, kissed and jumped at that, not even caring to hear who the other six choirs were.

They went back to the hotel and gathered in Rachel and Finn’s room to discuss. They had songs picked out, but hadn’t worked them as much, unsure if they would make it to the second part of the competition. They were set to do another of Puck’s songs- this time with Tina and Kurt singing together. Mr. Schue originally wasn’t sure about the pairing, but even Rachel had sworn that having a duet where the male sang the higher harmony was something that other teams wouldn’t have and it would give them an advantage. As she said, “We’ve got Kurt. Few choirs have male sopranos, so it would be best for us to use him.”

They ran the songs several times that night before deciding that an early bedtime would be best for them all the next day. Kurt and Noah went back to their room, sharing a shower and gently using their hands on one another, before falling into bed again and falling asleep quickly.

The next day went much like the one before, except that they had a bit more time allotted to practice on stage, since there were significantly less groups performing that day. They all got ready and waited in the Green Room, listening to the first three groups perform before they went on themselves.

The first song performed was heavy on Rachel and Finn and light on choreography. They performed “What About Everything” by Carbon Leaf. The next song was mostly the whole group, with solo lines throughout and moderate choreography- it was their more upbeat and classic “I Will Survive”. Lastly was Kurt and Tina’s duet of “Mary Poppins”. No one else in the choir knew it, but Noah had written the song for Kurt when he had admitted that it was his favorite movie as a child. They used umbrellas in their choreography, and even though it was a fairly slow song, the choreography on it was pretty intense. There were lifts and tosses done by Mike, Noah, Quinn and Brittany. When they were finished, they were out of breath and smiling at another audience on their feet.

They bounced and jittered through another six groups performing, then having to wait for the results. When the time came, they called the top five up on stage- including New Directions. They ran up and waited, all holding hands as the announcements were made.

Fifth place went to a school from Chicago, fourth went to a glee club from Honolulu, Hawaii, third was from Massachusetts, and then everyone was holding their breath. “In second place, from Lima, Ohio- New Directions!” the emcee announced, giving them their trophy and the last school, from Dallas, Texas, cheered loudly, receiving their trophy and lifting their lead soloist into the air in celebration.

glee fic, kurt/puck, a glass of milk in the night

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