Title: A Glass of Milk in the Night
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Noah Puckerman, Finn Hudson, Quinn Fabray, Burt and Carole Hummel, mention of Blaine Anderson and Sarah Puckerman.
Rating: NC-17
Gen/ slash
Warning: Lots of swearing, plus some angsting.
Main Pairing: Kurt/Puck
Word Count: 1,019
Summary: Kurt is surprised in the middle of the night, and gets to see a side of Puck that most don't.
Also, let it be said that this is kind of AU. Some things from cannon can be seen, but most of this is from my head and doesn't follow the stuff that's happened at the end of season two at all.
When they checked out the next morning, Finn kept looking at Kurt and Noah. It was Quinn who finally spoke up though and asked, “So, was it good?”
Kurt sputtered and gaped at her while Puck just grinned, “Isn’t it always?”
She shrugged, “Maybe when you don’t get them drunk first.”
“Listen, you could’ve said-”
“Excuse me! Can we not end our vacation with this little trip down memory lane? That was almost two years ago, and I think we’ve all grown up a lot since then. Now, let’s get our bags in the car and find someplace to eat. And Quinn- it was spectacular,” Kurt beamed before practically prancing away with his bag rolling behind him. It was Quinn’s turn to sputter at that.
Finn looked at his best friend and asked, “Dude, did you really like, de-flower my brother this weekend?”
“Dude,” Noah stated with sarcasm, “what did you think was gonna happen when we got ourselves alone, finally? And for the record, he ‘de-flowered’ me too.” Then, taking a page from his boyfriend, he turned and walked out to the car, leaving the other two teens staring at each other with wide mouths and eyes.
“Do you think-”
“He’s gotta be…”
They shook their heads and followed out to the car, where the other two were waiting with big smiles.
When they got home, after dropping Quinn off, of course, Carole was in the kitchen. “How was your weekend, boys? Do anything exciting?”
Kurt piped up immediately, telling her about the show they saw, the museums, and even roller skating. He did add in, “Of course, it was nearly impossible to find any good food, since these two wanted to visit every greasy diner and sidewalk stand they could find.”
“Hey, I blame the hot dog carts on Finn, one hundred percent. I don’t eat the things!” Puck groused.
Finn smiled, “What? I’m a growing boy!”
“Grow any more and I’m going to have to start specially making all of your clothing,” Kurt mumbled.
“Well, I’m glad you boys enjoyed yourselves. Why don’t you go get unpacked and cleaned up? I’ll have dinner ready when Burt gets home.”
All three boys kissed her cheek before heading to their rooms to settle back in and relax some.
When Burt came home, Kurt hugged him and then gave Burt and Carole the painting he and Puck had purchased for them from a street artist. “The guy was amazing, Dad! You should’ve seen him!”
Burt laughed at his boy’s enthusiasm and listened throughout dinner as Kurt told them all about the trip (it had already been decided that Finn would say as little as possible, for fear of him letting something slip).
After that, the rest of the summer flew by. They had a cookout over the Fourth of July for all of their friends in New Directions, plus Blaine. Puck hadn’t stopped glaring daggers at the boy yet, but Kurt hoped he would soon. They spent a lot of time working in the garage, Kurt teaching Noah a lot of what he knew about cars. In return, Noah was teaching Kurt the basics on the guitar.
They spent a lot of time just being together, spending time with one another while they had all the time in the world. The summer was made for Kurt, Noah, and Sarah, who was always willing to spend time hanging out with her favorite guys.
In August, football camp came around. Noah was determined to pay for it with his wages from the shop, but when he tried to pay the fees, he was told it had already been paid. When he got home, he was furious.
“Burt! You can’t do shit like this!” he stormed into the house without a greeting, exploding at the man on the couch.
“Noah, relax. I can, and will, do what I want. Just go to the camp, and use your money for something else. You’re a teenager, you should be going to movies or buying clothes or whatever.”
“You don’t get it! I don’t want your charity or pity or whatever. I can pay for shit for myself. I don’t fucking need you and Carole to spend your money on me. I’m not your kid, and you already do so much other stuff. I can’t let you keep paying for my shit like this. Damn it!”
Burt stood up then, going toe-to-toe with the teenager, “I do not, and will not ever pity you, Noah Puckerman. Understand that. I am not giving you charity, and I am never going to spend money that we don’t have on any of you for anything that’s not a necessity. You are not my kid, but you know what? Neither is Finn, and I paid for his camp too. You get one thing, and you get it straight right now- in this house, blood doesn’t mean shit. I love my son, more than anything in the world, and I would die for him without a moment’s hesitation. The same is true for Finn. And for you. You are my son, Noah, just as much as those two. Understand?”
Noah stared at him for only a second before the meaning of Burt’s words got through, and it was like a kick in the gut. He looked at this man, who had been around in the last half year or so more than his own father ever had. Who had treated him better than his mother had, even when she was sober. And he broke. Tears formed and Burt held his arms out, gathering him into a hug and holding him tightly.
Kurt, who had come downstairs when he heard their raised voices, was standing in the doorway to the living room, watching the two men he loved. Burt met his eyes over Noah’s shoulder, and nodded to his son. The nod meant, I got this, and even, I love you boys. Kurt nodded back and headed up the stairs, going back into his room and lying on his bed, looking at the ceiling, feeling like the luckiest kid on Earth.
So, what do we think? Comments are like icing on cupcakes... and it's almost my birthday :)