End of '10

Dec 30, 2010 20:52

I am totally smitten with my boy. Here we are ending 2010 and he's barely 2 years old and yet he is such a powerful force, such a vibrant creature, such a capable, curious, beautiful little dude.

Sleep is going great now, finally. I let go of the guilt and now if I happen to wake up when he climbs in bed with me (usually sometime between 4 and 5am), I wrap my arms around him and fall back to sleep that way. Most of the time I sleep through it, though, and wake at 6:30 when he puts his face in mine and says seriously, "Mama, it's morning time, sun come out, get out of bed now, Mama. Mama. Mama."

It's the best way to wake up ever.

Some things from right now:

He's super into a book called "Oi, Get Off Our Train," and will say things like "Oi! Boogies, get out of my nose!" or "Oi! Doggie, get off my body!" Pretty cute.

He also loves "Goodnight, Gorilla" and loves to point to the words and "read" it to me. He calls the Hyena a "hyena-meat-guy" and I don't know why. The armadillo is "arm-duh-di-doh."

Potty accidents are rare. The last was maybe a week ago when we were running errands and I couldn't pull over in time. Not bad. He's very good at going by himself, and sometimes will yell "Poo!" and then push me away when I try to help, saying "I do it myself, I poo by myself, Mama go away."

He's asserting other favorites:
Pancakes for breakfast. And TacoDeli.

Dinner: pizza.

Naptime story: choo choo train to the N. Pole to meet Santa and the Reindeer.

Letter: "K for Keaton!"

Animal: Zebra

Color: green

It's so much fun.

I'm freaked out at the idea of sending him to school. I know it's right around the corner and it makes me anxious. I can't bear the thought of him being someplace else, with someone else, all day every day.

Other news: nah, there's nothing else. We all got sick this weekend but Christmas rocked.
And I'm loving a show called "Lie to Me."

That's it.

Happy holidays. New Year.

parenting, update, love, random, exploded, keats, parenthood, keaton

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