13 months

Nov 04, 2009 14:43

Originally uploaded by shaynabrown11.

I missed Keaton's 13 month update. So here it is, a few days late:

He's 13 months. He's going through another growth spurt, eating a ton, sleeping a ton, growing out of clothes a ton. He wears mostly 18 mo and 24 mo clothing. Big boy.

He gives kisses. He blows kisses to Mom and Ali when they leave. He waves to everyone. He loves outside. He hates the car but thanks to our new carseat, he's doin' much better.

He says: bird, dada, granda, nana, nini, mama, dog, that. Other things, but I can't quite tell what. He also signs for milk constantly. He nurses like he's starving. At 13 months, shouldn't he be naturally weaning? Maybe not.

He loves to feed himself with a spoon and is surprisingly neat about it. The difficulty is getting the food from the plate onto the spoon.

He loves to play peek-a-boo, hide and seek and tag.

He is incredibly vocal. He gives great bear hugs.

He just got his first pair of shoes and he loves them.

He's into the slide and the swing at the park. He's into helping me: sweep, do dishes, chop veggies, stir things on the stove.

He's a great courier. If I hand him something and ask him to bring it to his Papa, he does. He'll also throw things in the trash for me. His understanding of what's going on it fantastic.

His sleep schedule has been pretty unbelievably awesome (8:30pm-6:30am nursing-then-back-to-sleep til 8am) but lately has had more wake-up-to-nurse times which has me exhausted. I'm hoping it's teeth or growth spurt and not new trend.

He's hilarious and so sweet and playful.

This is all I can think of right now.

list, 13 months old, baby, 13 months, lists, happy, keats, happiness, keaton

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