1 year

Sep 23, 2009 07:55

Originally uploaded by shaynabrown11.

Keaton turned 1 year old yesterday. He spent the day sick but happy. I was supposed to work but at the last minute it canceled, so we spent the day together which made me happy.

At a year old, Keaton is walkin' and runnin' and climbing everywhere, onto everything. He loves to climb stairs and to climb into nooks and crannies in our house. He's learned to dismount butt-first which helps cutback on falls from high places.

He's nursing as strongly as ever and shows no sign of losing interest. I worry that weaning will be difficult but at the same time I'm happy to go as long as he wants, which means my worry is just about outside perception. But the bottom line is I am still so happy to be here for him in that way.

He nibbles on real food here and there but hates sitting at the table to eat with us. I'm working on doing that more but our life is a circus, sit-down meals only seem to have place in a fairy-tale of our family, not in our reality. Maybe once we have a routine...

He has 4 teeth visible on top, 2 on bottom.

He loves to play in water. He doesn't love a bath, but he loves a puddle, rain, a water hose, an overturned water bottle.

He makes sounds constantly but isn't talking. Maybe he is but I can't understand him. He grunts a lot, says "ah! ah!" and points with a whole hand to what he wants. He waves bye-bye to everyone, everywhere. He gives kisses and hugs.

If he hears music, or even just something vaguely resembling a beat, he dances by wiggling his body and shaking his head. It's the cutest thing ever.

That's all I can think of right now. It's been such a glorious year.

In our family we write poems for birthdays, so here's Keaton's first:

Oh, K

Has it really been a year?
since we saw you, face-to-face
since we kissed your little head
since darkness faded without a trace?

You brought son-light to our lives
You changed all the rules of the game
Suddenly everything was beautiful
Life will never be the same

You exploded onto the scene
And haven't stopped surprising yet
You've got more personality and charm
Than anyone I've ever met

You're one year old now, baby
I'm so proud to call you my son
I'm so happy you're in my life
I'm so lucky that you're my one

I wish for you a lifetime
Of adventures and of smiles,
Of friendships and deep loves
And happiness piled for miles

I hope that your days are filled
With sunshine and love you pick
And that you continue to always dance
Any time you hear music

You add color to our world
We didn't know we were in black and white
We're so grateful that you're here
We love you with all our might

Happy first year, sweet angel
The world is yours for the taking
Our family is a happy one
and of your making

birthday, celebration, happy, 1year old, baby, sick, keaton

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