Perhaps fuzzibunz at night with a hemp prefold as the insert? You could probably get away with just one change then. I suggest the fuzzibun because it'll wick the urine away from his skin and help prevent rash, and the hemp is SUPER absorbent. Lina does not like feeling wet at all, and sometimes her FB diapers will be really heavy in the morning. (at night though she doesn't usually pee unless she's waking up and nursing, and then WOOOSH, where as during the day she pees far more often but it's a lot less usually.)
(if you don't have fuzzibunz or hemp prefolds let me know, I can let you borrow some to try. I only have 3 of the hemp diapers, but i LOVE them)
Another option is a wool soaker at night over hemp prefolds, I keep reknitting our wool soakers to get my pattern down, I don't think wool is for us since Lina tends to pee not often but a lot at once. Perhaps next time you're at Casa head over to austin baby and ask for suggestions too, they had some great suggestion for me to try with Lina when we move up to the next size.
Lina eats every 2-3 hours. She no longer gives me good sleep at night, during the day she's too busy looking around to get a good meal in. You could try nursing him MORE often before bedtime, offer even if he doesn't ask, and see if you can get him to cluster feed to get him to sleep a little longer at night. But, he's little, and nursing often helps build supply, the bigger he gets, the more fat stores he'll get and the longer he'll sleep. Though my baby brother would still wake at night to eat in his 20's, some people need that meal.
Oh, I also find Lina does sleep longer if I put her in her crib first at night. If we both start the night in the bed she's up every 2 hours to nurse. Maybe now that he's older you could let him sleep in the room but not in the bed until he wakes up. One 4 hour stretch of sleep makes HUGE difference.
Maybe swaddle him at night? Swaddling will keep him warm and snug and he might sleep a bit longer then. I've got some nice BIG swaddling blankets if you want to try that. I plan to try swaddling Lina tonight to see if she'll go past 2 before nursing. I should have gone to bed at 10:30 when she did.
Keaton is happy, handsome and healthy, and you're doing all the right things. Baby's aren't designed to sleep through the night, the milk doesn't keep them full that long. If you're a weepy crying tired mess, see if Ali or somebody can give him a bottle so you can get a longer stretch of sleep. Some people get to the point they can sleep through nursing, perhaps you'll be lucky like that and catch up that way.
I think one reason babies don't sleep through the night is to help us forget things like a painful birth, difficult recovery, colic, teething etc.
We have some fuzzibunz, I think! We had no newborn diapers but K is old enough/big enough for just small diapers now, I bet. That's a great idea. I will raid our diaper drawer and see what we have to use. I heard that our diaper service will even wash that stuff for us, too, if we got it at Austin Baby (most of which we did). ROCK! Thanks, Alix.
We have no crib. We have the floor bed but it's SO cold there right now (er, as of last night? ha!) that I'm hesitant to put him there. Okay, truth: He's my snuggle bunny now, I'd hate to have to sleep wtihout him! I get so panicked at night that I love having him right by me so I can check..
I AM sleeping through most feedings. I help him latch when necessary (about half the time) and then I conk out. Thank god for that!
I have a free week coming up.. wanna grab tea or somethin'?
The first few weeks we started Lina off in her crib I missed her a lot. NOw i am used to it and know she'll be there soon anyway. Of course her crib is colder than my warm bed, so we layer her one extra layer. It started off out of guilt that Chuck bought that fancy crib, but now I like the idea.
(if you don't have fuzzibunz or hemp prefolds let me know, I can let you borrow some to try. I only have 3 of the hemp diapers, but i LOVE them)
Another option is a wool soaker at night over hemp prefolds, I keep reknitting our wool soakers to get my pattern down, I don't think wool is for us since Lina tends to pee not often but a lot at once. Perhaps next time you're at Casa head over to austin baby and ask for suggestions too, they had some great suggestion for me to try with Lina when we move up to the next size.
Lina eats every 2-3 hours. She no longer gives me good sleep at night, during the day she's too busy looking around to get a good meal in. You could try nursing him MORE often before bedtime, offer even if he doesn't ask, and see if you can get him to cluster feed to get him to sleep a little longer at night. But, he's little, and nursing often helps build supply, the bigger he gets, the more fat stores he'll get and the longer he'll sleep. Though my baby brother would still wake at night to eat in his 20's, some people need that meal.
Oh, I also find Lina does sleep longer if I put her in her crib first at night. If we both start the night in the bed she's up every 2 hours to nurse. Maybe now that he's older you could let him sleep in the room but not in the bed until he wakes up. One 4 hour stretch of sleep makes HUGE difference.
Maybe swaddle him at night? Swaddling will keep him warm and snug and he might sleep a bit longer then. I've got some nice BIG swaddling blankets if you want to try that. I plan to try swaddling Lina tonight to see if she'll go past 2 before nursing. I should have gone to bed at 10:30 when she did.
Keaton is happy, handsome and healthy, and you're doing all the right things. Baby's aren't designed to sleep through the night, the milk doesn't keep them full that long. If you're a weepy crying tired mess, see if Ali or somebody can give him a bottle so you can get a longer stretch of sleep. Some people get to the point they can sleep through nursing, perhaps you'll be lucky like that and catch up that way.
I think one reason babies don't sleep through the night is to help us forget things like a painful birth, difficult recovery, colic, teething etc.
We have no crib. We have the floor bed but it's SO cold there right now (er, as of last night? ha!) that I'm hesitant to put him there. Okay, truth: He's my snuggle bunny now, I'd hate to have to sleep wtihout him! I get so panicked at night that I love having him right by me so I can check..
I AM sleeping through most feedings. I help him latch when necessary (about half the time) and then I conk out. Thank god for that!
I have a free week coming up.. wanna grab tea or somethin'?
Perhaps tea tuesday?
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