KeatsAndAliChillinOct2Originally uploaded by
shaynabrown11Clearly I am enjoying our Flip video camera. Keaton is maybe less impressed with it than I am.
All is well and soon I'll be off bedrest and then things will be even better. He is finally going through the appropriate number of diapers which leaves me feeling pretty good about nursing. It also makes me grateful for the
diaper service we're using. They dropped off a new bag of clean diapers and took away the dirty ones this morning, like the marvelous diaper fairies they are.
Ali is happily eating out every meal and I am frustrated with my inability to think of good food to have at home to avoid hitting restaurant after restaurant, meal after meal. I have been mostly eating trail mix, cheese and triscuits, and fruit. Sounds healthy, except I am eating those things in mass quantities. I hope nursing really does use up calories...
Other than that, post-pregnancy life is pretty fantastic. I love this little creature who sleeps in my arms and is calmed by my voice. I can't wait to break free from the bed and explore the world with him. Soon.
Tonight: the veep debate. I'm pulling out popcorn and chocolate, it's gonna be better than anything hollywood's put out for awhile!