My tummy is huuuuuge. It's freaky. And it moves, which is super duper freaky. The rest of me is expanding and loosening and I'm just trying to ignore it.... hah.
I was just thinking how tiny your belly (and the rest of you) looked! I started out a little smaller than you did, but wound up waaaay bigger. You're a lucky girl, and you look MAHvelous.
Thank you. I appear to be piling on the weight here at the end. I'm now up to 20lbs heavier and my appetite is HUGE so I bet that number will grow. If he hangs on for another 3 weeks like the midwife thinks, I might be unable to walk from the weight! So exciting....
Finn is a wonderful baby, and a terrible sleeper. I honestly can't remember the last time he slept for more than an hour's stretch, and usually, it's more like 30-45 mins. at a time. His record is three hours, and that was two months ago. :-O We're trying everything we know to try and then some, and praying either he outgrows it or we figure out the solution to his sleep issues soon. But we shall persevere! Otherwise, he really is an adorable, happy, easy-going baby, and we're enjoying him so much, despite being *incredibly* sleep-deprived. If we can get past the sleep thing, we'll all be in heaven, and I might actually find the time and inclination to blog and post pictures more often. LOL But you can peek at a video of him giggling at the dog on J's blog at Can you wait to hear that from the cub, or what?!
Thank you. I appear to be piling on the weight here at the end. I'm now up to 20lbs heavier and my appetite is HUGE so I bet that number will grow. If he hangs on for another 3 weeks like the midwife thinks, I might be unable to walk from the weight! So exciting....
How is Finn?? How are you?
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