"Gio, Mom and Ali. That's it for the labor part," I told Meg when she asked who we plan on having at the birth. "And me," she replied. I'm surprised but apparently she does want to be there and I think that'll be nice. She's really good in serious situations. But now I have 4 people. Too many? In my head I imagine laboring in the birthing pool with just Ali in the room. We'll stock our fridge so the other helpers are fed while they wait. Meg bakes some amazing cookies so I figure that might be her helping-with-the-birth job. She's coming to town soon for a couple weeks before heading to
Tanglewood for the summer. In the time she's here, she's throwing us a baby shower. I felt awkward about it at first but now I am so excited and happy to be fully entering BabyLand.
Meanwhile in the small BabyLand aquarium that is my stomach, our little cub has had hiccups lately and I have been having what I think are Braxton Hicks contractions. They give me confidence and make me excited and anxious at the same time. This is really happening.
Other things that are happening:
*days off for Memorial day and then a trip to Florida because I must travel before I get too big to do so. The next few weeks will be short work-weeks and that is good.
*a midwife appointment in just 2 days. Oh how I look forward to them. It's like we finally get to turn the page of this book we're reading (writing?) and I'm always excited for the new information we'll find.
*low back pain, which occasionally leaves me temporarily unable to walk. I bend over and stretch and shortly things are fine, but it's giving the people around me reason to laugh. I'm like a 100 year old woman or somethin'.
That may be all.